Chinese Economy in Disequilibrium

by Yining Li

Published 10 December 2013

Known internationally as 'Mr. Shareholding' economist, Li Yining has had a transformative impact on China's economic transition, most notably as an early advocate of ownership reform and in his promotion of shareholding theory. By examining the interrelationship between the government, enterprises and the market, Chinese Economy in Disequilibrium presents an in-depth discussion on the issues of resource allocation, industrial structure, institutional innovation and economic fluctuation in the current Chinese economy under the condition of disequilibrium. Credited with developing the theory of economic disequilibrium, Professor Li distinguishes two types of disequilibrium on the basis of whether or not the majority of firms in the economy are viable profit-makers. In Chinese Economy in Disequilibrium, Professor Li points out that not only has China's economy been in a state of disequilibrium, but it also has issues with enterprises not being under budget constraint. Given the limitations of market regulation under economic disequilibrium, Professor Li advocates the reform of the enterprise system and upholds the government's leading role in the establishment of order in the socialist commodity economy. A number of measures are also proposed with the aim of facilitating the transition of China's economy from disequilibrium to equilibrium. The central theme is that the reform and transition are means to serve economic growth and social development, which would eventually benefit the ordinary citizens in society.

Yining Li is a Professor of Economics and Emeritus Dean of Peking University's Guanghua School of Management. He is one of China's foremost economists, and the author of twenty books and numerous articles on a wide range of economic subjects including reform and development in China. He has received a number of prestigious awards and honours for his research. As the leading proponent of a market economy in China, Professor Li has had a tremendous influence on China's economic reform policy over the last three decades. He has served on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China and is currently Vice-Chairman of the Economic Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Beyond Market and Government

by Yining Li

Published 1 January 2014
This book explores how moral factors exert influence on economy from an economic and philosophical point of view. The book takes an in-depth look at topics such as efficiency and coordination, fairness and identification, law and self-discipline and the third distribution, which have long been the focus of public attention. As expounded in this book, in places where regulation by market or government does work, there are still some gaps that the two modes of regulation cannot reach owing to the limitations of their influence. Each does compensate for the other's limitations, but only up to a point. The gap can only be filled by custom and morality. In this sense, regulation by custom and morality can be viewed as a regulatory mode beyond market and government. In a market economy, market regulation of resource allocation as a basic mode can be called "primary regulation" and government regulation, as a high-level mode, "secondary regulation." Regulation that relies on the force of custom and morality, a regulation beyond market and government, can be called "the third regulation." A variety of causes can give rise to market failure or government paralysis, rendering regulation by market or government ineffective or extremely limited. But even in such circumstances, custom and morality still exist and continue working as normal. What affects resource allocation, socio-economic operations and living standards is not just the power of market or government, but that of custom and morality. This book is one of the three published writings that best reflect Professor Li Yining's academic standpoint. Although written in economic language, the book also incorporates sociology, history and philosophy and will help the reader make better judgment calls in the face of changing market conditions and economic policies.