Topiaries and Pomanders

by Beverley Jollands

Published 3 January 2000
Bringing the art of topiary from the garden into the home, Jollands shows how to form a wide variety of sculpted creations using lavender, copper beech, eucalyptus, fresh flowers, dried herbs, autumn fruits and cones. '

Bouquets and Posies

by Beverley Jollands

Published 3 January 2000
This beautiful book utilizes nature''s abunda nt floral gifts to produce exquisite items which can be pres ented to a special person or displayed in your own home. '

Circles and Wreaths

by Beverley Jollands

Published 3 January 2000
Taking floral decoration far beyond flowers in vases and bowls, Jollands shows how to use nature''s gifts of fresh and dried herbs, flowers, foliage and fruits to cr eate such items as opulent swags, pretty garlands and elegan t candle rings. '