Book 3

Book 3

Romans vs. Dinosaurs on Mars

by Nikalas Catlow and Tim Wesson

Published 27 December 2011
Draw your own adventure!

These books take great subjects for boys and combine them into short, bonkers, and funny stories that are incredibly easy to read. The illustrations are bold and crazy, and there’s plenty of space left on each page — together with suggestions for how to fill it — so kids can add their own drawings. The books read as hilarious, zippy stories that look a lot like novels but are terrific doodle books as well.

The Romans and Dinosaurs live together in a huge glass dome called Romasauria. They race their rocket chariots and feast on moon-cow and chips until life on Mars is threatened by a giant asteroid spotted by Augustus Astronomus through his giant telescope. Will a wooden catapult and some Dinosaur poop save the day? The Romans and the Dinosaurs are going to have to work together or it’s KAPOW for life on Mars.

Book 4

Draw Your Own Adventure

Who will steal the priceless Golden Howler Monkey from the museum: the bloodthirsty pirates or the crazy Ancient Egyptians? These hilarious books take great subjects for boys and combine them in very short, wacky stories with bold illustrations that are incredibly easy and quick to read. Best of all, there’s plenty of space left on each page, together with suggestions for how to fill it, so that kids can add their own drawings. These are chapter books — but they’re doodle books as well!

Book 6

What if some cool Cowboys and some hairy Trolls wanted to be rich? What if they went digging for gold in the Arctic? What if the ice started to crack and they all floated out to sea? Would they sink without a trace? Or would they come up with a cunning plan? You’ll have to finish the illustrations to find out…

Brandish your felt tips and find out what happens when the Ancient Egyptians, together with their spooky mummies, take on a crew of bloodthirsty pirates, those terrors of the seven seas. In a haunted museum! Imagine the chaos amongst the exhibits... All in glorious purple, too. The fourth in a series that really hits the spot with readers who love to doodle.

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars; Secret Agents v Giant Slugs in the Jungle; Aliens v Mad Scientists Under the Ocean; Cowboys v Trolls in the Arctic; Robots v Gorillas in the Desert.

Deep in the Desert, gorillas trade oil for bananas grown by hi-tech robots. But then they fall out, big time, and decide to have a race to settle their differences. Which side will get slimed by the garlic burp-breath sand slugs? Which will fall for the banana sundae mirages? And when will they realise that the race has no finishing line?

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars; Secret Agents v Giant Slubs in the Jungle; Aliens v Mad Scientists Under the Ocean; Cowboys v Trolls in the Arctic; Pirates v Ancient Egyptians in a Haunted Museum.

What if some cool cowboys and some hairy Trolls wanted to be RICH? What if they went digging for gold in the Arctic? What if the ice started to CRACK and they all FLOATED OUT TO SEA? Would they sink without a trace? Or would they come up with a CUNNING PLAN? You'll have to finish the illustrations to find out...

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Pirates v Ancient Egyptians in a Haunted Museum; Secret Agents v Giant Slugs in the Jungle; Aliens v Mad Scientists Under the Ocean; Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars; Robots v Gorillas in the Desert.

The Romans and Dinosaurs live on Mars in a huge glass dome called Romasauria. They race their rocket chariots and feast on Moon-Cow and chips until life on Mars is threatened by a Giant Asteroid. Will a wooden catapault and some dinosaur poo save the day? That's up to you...

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Pirates v Ancient Egyptians in a Haunted Museum; Secret Agents v Giant Slugs in the Jungle; Aliens v Mad Scientists Under the Ocean; Cowboys v Trolls in the Arctic; Robots v Gorillas in the Desert.

What if some tiny slugs fell into a pool of weird goo and became Giant Slugs? What if some Secret Agents were sent into the Jungle to check it out? Would the Giant Slugs take over the world? Or would the Secret Agents vanquish them with their secret weapon? It's up to you!

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Pirates v Ancient Egyptians in a Haunted Museum; Aliens v Mad Scientists Under the Ocean; Cowboys v Trolls in the Arctic; Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars; Robots v Gorillas in the Desert.

The Earth is in peril. Aliens are trying to stop it spinning so everyone will fall off and they can take over. Mwa ha ha ha! But fear not! The Mad Scientists are building an underwater machine to save the day. If only the Aliens would stop zapping them with their Frazzelizers...

This book needs YOU! Finish the illustrations and colour them in while you read and enjoy a proper story with lots and lots of laughs!

Other titles in this hilarious series include: Pirates v Ancient Egyptians in a Haunted Museum; Secret Agents v Giant Slugs in the Jungle; Cowboys v Trolls in the Arctic; Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars; Robots v Gorillas in the Desert.

Romans v Dinosaurs on Mars

by Nikalas Catlow and Tim Wesson

Published 3 February 2011
The Romans and Dinosaurs live on Mars in a huge glass dome called Romasauria. They race their rocket chariots and feast on Moon-Cow and chips until life on Mars is threatened by a Giant Asteroid. Will a wooden catapault and some Dinosaur poo save the day? Finish the illustrations and find out!