Now known only as Indigo, Princess Anghara is doomed to wander, searching for the demons she released from the Tower of Regrets. But plagued by Nemesis, Indigo must defeat the demons within herself before conquering anything else.
Many years have passed since Indigo began her quest to vanquish the demons she so long ago set loose upon the world. She and Grimya, her faithful companion, are weary of the endless travel and seek only rest. But a malignant blight covers the land, and Indigo must do battle.
The seventh book in Cooper's Indigo series, which includes Nemesis, Inferno, and Avatar. An undying warrior, Indigo has sought and battled the demons that she herself let loose into the world. Now, to destroy the demon lurking in Joyful Travail, she may have to destroy all who dwell there.