
I cannot believe it. Am racked by torture and loss! Have wanted tragedy in my life for so long but now I've got it, it actually sort of sucks . . . big time!

Have made a plan to deal with post-break-up trauma i.e. will not moon about over exes but will embrace single life. Everything will be so much easier without the complications of love. It will be a completely simple life and I am fully committed. Starting now! Or at least after breakfast . . .

I'm Rachel Riley - welcome to my so-called life.

Not suitable for younger readers.


Just when I thought I'd found THE ONE, he gets all stroppy about a snog that wasn't even my fault and storms off. Well, enough is enough! It's time for me to wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the hot chocolate) and forget all about romance.

Who needs a fairytale happy ending anyway? From now on, will deal only in cold hard facts . . .

I'm Rachel Riley - welcome to my so-called life.


It is official. I have a boyfriend AND it's Justin 'rock god' Statham! Have spent the last two years waiting for this moment and am certain he is THE ONE. We will have excellent grown-up relationship on every level.

Thank goodness I have found the love of my life and am not still hung up on Jack. Not one bit . . .

I'm Rachel Riley - welcome to my so-called life.

Not suitable for younger readers.

The Life of Riley

by Joanna Nadin

Published 6 March 2008
The fabulous second instalment of the Rachel Riley series. My quest to find THE ONE starts right now! This year I will utterly not snog random posh boys with congenital acne but will save myself for long-haired creative type with interest in tragicness and with musical potential i.e. Justin Statham. Though am not sure Justin has realized yet that I am THE ONE for him. Maybe he has heard I am rubbish at snogging. I need to learn to snog properly - and fast. Though perhaps I am just generally unlovable. As well as tongue technique issues I have hopelessly untragic relatives and a dog who eats furniture. Plus I am practically a medical midget and my hair is mental. Maybe I should just give up on boys altogether...Not suitable for younger readers.