This brand new Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. As Kay explains, "Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it."Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking--and your life.

There are as many viewpoints, styles, and preferences about worship as there are people who worship. And the Bible says worship is something everyone does. So how do you know which approach is best? And how do you make sure the goal of your worship is appropriate?
This helpful study examines what the Bible says about true worship. You'll discover that we are created for the purpose of worship. And you’ll explore solid, biblical principles for making worship a lifestyle of grateful response to your Creator and Redeemer.
Let Kay Arthur and Bob and Diane Vereen guide you into the rich scriptural truths about this important subject.

Discover What It Really Means to Be Blessed
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identified attitudes that bring God's favor: weeping over sin, demonstrating meekness, showing mercy, nurturing peace, and more. Some of these phrases have become so familiar that we've lost sight of their meaning.

In this powerful study, you will gain a fresh understanding of what it looks like to align your life with God's priorities. Here you will discover anew why the word blessed mean walking the fulness and satisfaction of God, no matter your circumstances. As you look closely at the meaning behind each of the Beatitudes, you will see how these truths can shape your choices every day--and bring you closer to the heart of God.

40 Minutes a Week Could Change Your Life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precept Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minute lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s notes and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Discover what God says about death, dying, and life after death.
Many people are intrigued by what lies beyond death's door, but we live in an age bombarded with many conflicting views. How can we be sure of what is true?
In this eye-opening study you’ll examine the Bible’s answers about death and what comes next. As you confront the inevitability of death in the context of the promise of heaven and the reality of hell, you will be challenged to examine your heart—and in doing so, find that, in grabbing hold of the hope of eternal life, the sting of death is replaced with peace.
40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Breaking Free from Fear

by Kay Arthur

Published 1 January 2012
Break free from Fear
Life is filled with all sorts of fears that can assault your mind, trouble your soul, and bring untold stress. But you don’t have to remain captive to your fears.
In this six-week study you will learn how to confront your circumstances with strength and courage as you live in the fear of the Lord—the fear that conquers every other fear and sets you free to live in faith.

40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Finding Hope After Divorce

by Kay Arthur

Published 1 January 2014
Divorce is painful. Take comfort in God as healer and counselor. 
With divorce comes many questions, pain, and frustration. What am I going to do? How will I survive? What about the children? What will people think of me? What does God think of me?
So how can you get through this? Live with it?
Through this six-week study you’ll discover solid, biblical insights to help you or a loved one recover from the grief over the end of a marriage. Find practical advice and encouragement, as well as reassurance of God's love and redemptive power at work in even the most difficult situations as you move forward with a godly perspective on your new reality.
40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Jesus: Experiencing His Touch

by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Published 15 December 2015
A touch from Jesus can change everything.
The first six chapters of Mark’s gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience firsthand the touch of the Savior. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope.
As you delve into their stories in this powerful study—the first in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark—you’ll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.

Jesus: Listening for His Voice

by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Published 15 December 2015
Jesus spoke words of life and truth. How well are you listening?
True listening isn’t simply hearing the words of Jesus; it involves belief that results in active commitment. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus interacted with people from all walks of life. In every case, those individuals could choose to believe His words and reap the rewards of faith—or resist the truth and miss out on everything that truly matters.
This same choice is yours today. In this second book in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark, you can read for yourself the words of Jesus in Mark 7–13. If you then align yourself with the One who is truth, you’ll experience for yourself the freedom that comes from truly listening for and following the voice of the Savior.

Ignite your Passion for God

by Kay Arthur and Mark Sheldrake

Published 15 December 2015
What does it take to fuel a faith that burns bright, no matter what?
At different times in our spiritual journey, we may discover that we’ve somehow developed apathy toward the things of God. Instead of being fueled by spiritual passion, our faith seems to be running on autopilot—or maybe sputtering to a halt as we seek excuses to avoid spiritual engagement.
Through this six-week study, your eyes will be opened to the things that can undermine our interest in the things of God, and you’ll discover practical steps you can take to ignite a fire that will propel you toward a deeper, more meaningful faith.

Discover afresh the good news of the gospel.
The long-awaited Messiah had finally arrived—only to be betrayed and sentenced to death. Why would Jesus, who knew beforehand all that would happen and who held the power of heaven at His command, submit to being humiliated, tortured, and ultimately killed?
In this powerful study centered on the final chapters of the gospel of Mark, you’ll consider for yourself all that Jesus endured to bring forgiveness to sinners and hope to the hopeless. And you’ll understand as never before why it’s so essential to share with others the good news of His death and resurrection.

Fatal Distractions

by David Lawson, BJ Lawson, and Kay Arthur

Published 1 January 2012

Don’t become a spiritual statistic.
Any type of sin can undermine a believer’s effectiveness, but certain sins can become so deeply rooted in our lives—even without our realizing—that they become fatal to our spiritual growth.
This study looks at six of the “deadly” sins that threaten spiritual progress: Pride, Anger, Jealousy, Gluttony, Slothfulness, and Greed. You’ll learn to identify the subtle ways in which these fatal distractions can invade your life, and you’ll be equipped to conquer these destructive temptations so you can mature in your journey with Christ.
40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.