Book 1

Cited to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 31 December 2015

Book 2

Hoarded to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 31 December 2015

Book 3

Burdened to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 31 December 2015

Book 4

Researched to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 31 December 2015

Book 5

Encountered to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 6

Psyched to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 8

Stoned to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 10

Avenged to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 10

Talked to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 11

Played to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 14 January 2016

Book 12

Filmed to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 29 April 2016

Book 13

Trapped to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 18 November 2016

Book 15

Published to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 7 December 2017

Book 18

Obsessed to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 31 May 2019

Book 19

Deserted to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 15 October 2019

Book 20

Drugged to Death

by Meg Perry

Published 29 June 2020