The Shang was an advanced civilisation that flourished more than 3,500 years ago in China. They created beautiful objects in bronze, jade and ceramic. They studied the stars, created an accurate calendar and developed China's first writing system. Explore the amazing Shang dynasty, their gods, customs, art, science and music. Learn about their downfall and their lasting influence on China.
For nearly four centuries, the Romans ruled Britain. In a land of hill forts, farms and muddy tracks, they built great cities, ruler-straight roads, bath-houses and luxurious villas. Learn all about life in Roman Britain, from their banquets to their gladiator shows, their togas to their temples, and much more.
The first humans in Britain could walk to Europe over dry land and shared their space with mammoths and sabre toothed cats. Using stone tools and fire, humans gained the upper hand. Over thousands of years, they made homes, began farming crops and animals and learned to use metal. They laid the foundations of modern Britain.
Long before the Spanish arrived, a remarkable civilisation flourished in Central America. The Mayans built great cities, studied astronomy, created accurate calendars and developed systems of writing and mathematics. Learn all about the amazing Mayans, their gods, art and games and the theories that try to explain how this civilisation suddenly collapsed.
Before the Romans arrived, Britain was a patchwork of many different tribes collectively known as the Celts. They were fierce warriors, but also skilled craftworkers who made beautiful jewellery and iron tools and weapons. Learn about the extraordinary Celts, their gods, customs, art, music and daily lives. Discover what happened to them and how Celtic culture remains with us to this day.
The very first civilisation in the world grew up where modern-day Syria and Iraq meet. Here, the Sumerians built the first cities, invented the wheel, the chariot and a writing system. They developed trade and built pyramids for their gods. Now all that is left of them is a few relics in the desert sand.
Anyone who commits a crime now might face prison or a fine - but punishment was much harsher in the past! Criminals could be killed, put on a ship for Australia, whipped or have their ears cut off. Find out how crimes have been punished throughout British history.
Nearly 1300 years ago, Britain was a collection of small kingdoms ruled by the Anglo-Saxons and Celts. Then the Vikings came. Fierce invaders, they caused chaos through repeated raids over hundreds of years. Many settled in Britain. Find out how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings lived together until the Norman Conquest in 1066 changed everything again.