Book 588

Department Stores

by Claire Masset

Published 10 June 2010
The way we shop has undergone many transformations over the years - and a pioneer of one such change was the department store. Selling everything from clothes to cosmetics, furniture to food - the department store was a one-stop shop for consumers. Claire Masset charts the history of the department store, the innovations in retailing, advertising and technology, and the developments in fashion, design and working practices. Using evocative adverts, prints, memorabilia and photographs, the highs and lows of the high-street giants are discussed, including the golden age of department stores in the 1920s and 1930s, and their future in a modern world. Filled with amusing anecdotes, this lively book brings the fascinating world of department stores to life.

Book 600

Tea and Tea Drinking

by Claire Masset

Published 10 October 2010
If ever the idea of Britishness could be distilled into liquid form it would be into the quintessential cup of tea; whether a builder's morning brew or an afternoon earl grey sipped by the Queen. Claire Masset guides us through the evolution of tea from its beginnings as an exclusive imported luxury found only in up market coffee houses to its firm current establishment in every household of Britain. So put the kettle on and warm the pot while you enjoy this often surprising journey with the nation's favourite 'cuppa'.

Book 632


by Claire Masset

Published 1 January 2012
Some of Britain's surviving orchards are almost six hundred years old, and whether laden with summer fruit or stripped bare by the winter are places of great beauty. Throughout history, they have played an important role in life both rural and urban, providing not just food and drink but also a haven for wildlife and a setting for age-old customs and social gatherings. But when did orchards first appear? What is wassailing and who did it? Why has England lost almost two-thirds of its orchards since 1950 - and what is being done about it today? This beautifully illustrated book reveals the engaging story and rich diversity of Britain's apple, pear and cherry orchards.

Book 781

Grand Hotels

by Claire Masset

Published 14 June 2016