
by Ralph O. Muncaster

Published 1 July 2000
it's time on many science?related issues.

This selection from Muncaster's Examine the Evidence series presents a careful investigation that shows that certainty about heaven rests on who God is and His ability and willingness to offer salvation through Jesus Christ. Charts & graphics.

Can You Trust the Bible?

by Ralph O. Muncaster

Published 31 December 2000
Discover how the Bible was written, how biblical accuracy was maintained, how the historical and archaeological evidence proves translation integrity, and how the canon was developed.

Part of the Examine the Evidence series, this book highlights the biblical proof that God exists and communicates with us. Readers will explore the Bible's inspiration, accuracy, and its impact on day-to-day living.

Did Jesus really live? Is the evidence in the Bible trustworthy? An exciting survey of discoveries and proofs that counters skepticism and confirms the Bible, this book highlights the facts with charts and graphics.

Does God answer prayers? Will our requests cause him to "change His mind" or is prayer just a placebo? This exciting study digs into Scripture to reveal the inspiring truth about communicating with God.

This inspiring resource takes a straight-forward look at secular and biblical accounts to uncover the truth about Jesus' birth and the events surrounding it. Includes easy-to-follow charts and explanatory graphics.

When it comes to tough questions about the Christian faith, believers and skeptics want clear, concise, and convenient answers. Ralph Muncaster's "Examine the Evidence" series offers brief, fact-filled presentations that include easy-to-follow charts and graphics to clarify vital points of belief. Each book provides a wealth of information about the latest scientific, historical, and archeological discoveries that help answer difficult questions about God, the Bible, and life.Some people claim the Bible has many contradictions in it. Yet the Bible continues to be the foundation on the Christian faith after nearly 2000 years. Ralph Muncaster demonstrates how careful study of the text reveals the Bible to be consistent on all major issues -- despite years of copying and translation. Muncaster tackles the most common and important alleged contradictions, exploring questions about: similarities and differences in the Gospel accounts, the reported lineage of Christ, "divergent" accounts of the resurrection, and more. Are There Contradictions in the Bible? equips readers to analyze supposed discrepancies for themselves. Skeptics and believers will find convincing and thought-provoking evidence for a Bible that is harmonious, whole, and worthy of complete trust.

Speaking from his own experiences as a skeptic and a Christian, Ralph points readers to the Bible as a source for information and a practical guide to sharing their faith.

Discover how biblical prophecies proclaimed hundreds and even thousands of years in advance have been fulfilled with precise exactness! This fact-filled book includes charts, graphics, and the complete "Prophecies of Christ."

Did Jesus exist? Were the miracles He performed real? Was He sent by God? These questions and more are carefully addressed and explored in this Examine the Evidence book. Includes a chronology of Jesus' miracles.

This popular book in the Examine the Evidence series reviews the documentation of biblical prophecies, delves into non-Christian historical writings that confirm Jesus' death, and reveals 12 key reasons for believing in Jesus' physical resurrection.

What is the Trinity?

by Ralph O. Muncaster

Published 21 March 2001
This survey from the Examine the Evidence series spells out what God's Word says about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the practical results this truth has in our lives.

Creation Vs Evolution

by Ralph O. Muncaster

Published 31 December 2000
Over 100 years ago, Darwin hoped fossils would someday provide transitional evidence. Now, millions of fossils later, the data actually suggests creation, not evolution. Join Muncaster in this fascinating look at the scholarship that proposed evolution and how belief in pure evolution theory is declining as scientific conclusions increasingly support creationism.

Dismantling Evolution

by Ralph O. Muncaster

Published 1 December 2003
In straightforward, easy-to-understand language, Dismantling Evolution helps people understand the facts that refute evolution between species and the scientific evidence that supports creationism--and the divine creator.

This fact-filled book offers clear text, easy-to-understand charts, and explanatory graphics to reveal how the latest scientific and archaeological investigations confirm much of the Old Testament's history.

Need quick-reading, graphic-packed, fact-filled books on the most current topics for believers and skeptics alike? Each book in the Examine the Evidence series provides 48 pages of concise, convenient information. Easy-to-follow charts and the latest scientific, historical, and archaeological discoveries make this series perfect for growing spiritually and building solid biblical knowledge.Muncaster has self-published and sold more than 200,000 of these books since 1996 (primarily in California). Now backed by Harvest House's sales and marketing staffs, the series is primed for national distribution.Is there hidden evidence of God's inspiration? Explore God's plan as revealed biblically and through ancient Hebrew symbolism and customs.

Is there a heaven? Is hell a figment of mankind's imagination? Discover the biblical facts about life after death and how our choices determine our future destination.