David F. Labaree has spent the last twenty years researching, thinking and writing about some of the key and enduring issues in the history of education and education policy and politics. Here, he brings together twelve of his key writings in one place. Starting with a specially written introduction, 'Getting It Wrong', which gives an ironic overview of how the ideas in his work have evolved over time and throws light on the process of scholarly production, the chapters cover such topics as:

  • the structure of the educational system
  • conflicting purposes of education
  • the core problems of practice in teaching and teacher education
  • barriers to curriculum reform.

    An ideal resource for anyone wanting to know more about the development of schools and schooling and David Labaree's contribution to these important fields.


    by Marian Adolf and Nico Stehr

    Published 1 January 2014

    As we move through our modern world, the phenomenon we call knowledge is always involved. Whether we talk of know-how, technology, innovation, politics or education, it is the concept of knowledge that ties them all together. But despite its ubiquity as a modern trope we seldom encounter knowledge in itself. How is it produced, where does it reside, and who owns it? Is knowledge always beneficial, will we know all there is to know at some point in the future, and does knowledge really equal power? This book pursues an original approach to this concept that seems to define so many aspects of modern societies. It explores the topic from a distinctly sociological perspective, and traces the many ways that knowledge is woven into the very fabric of modern society.