Up and Coming

by Eric Chappell

Published 10 September 2001
Philip Conway, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the House is attending a party conference. But, tipped to be the new party leader, his campaign for power is in serious danger of collapse. Visits from rivals, fellow conspirators and the all-too-attentive Vicky coincide keeping Philip on his toes; the world's press is in the lobby; there are threats of assassination; students are rioting outside the hotel: an uncomfortable evening is the result! Who will get his - or her - just deserts?-2 women, 5 men

Fiddlers Three

by Eric Chappell

Published 28 January 2003

This is a double bill comprising two one act plays We Don't Want To Lose You and Cut and Dried. In the offices of Multiple Holdings, Rex, Harry and Osborne form a somewhat uncomfortable alliance against the management, as personified by the devious Fletcher. In the first, Rex, ordered to sack Osborne, offers Fletcher his own resignation in protest. To his horror, it's accepted! InCut and Dried everyone's after Rex's job but Harry ingratiates himself with the houses to better effect

Double Vision

by Eric Chappell

Published 15 July 2021