At Home with Maths

by Peter Patilla

Published 23 July 1992
Following strong sales of the first editions, especially through Early Learning Centre, these second editions have new covers and new colours inside. The National Curriculum content has not needed to change.

Following the success of the KS2 volumes of practice tests, these are brand new volumes of practice tests for KS1 English and Mthematics, following the style of the 1996 national tests. The trade paperbacks for 2-colour versions for sale through bookshops to parents; the wiro 1-colour editions are for teachers to photocopy in school.

Parents are concerned about preparing their children for KS2 National Curriculum Tests. These volumes give them 6 practice tests, of half an hour, each progressing in difficulty through the book. Children then mark their own tests from the answers, to find out their Level of performance. Compared with the competition from Letts, these have less marking advice to the parents, and hence more practice material for the children.