Lavishly illustrated with artwork and amazing photographs, Alphabasics are a combination of ABC books and picture dictionaries. Each book names an object for each letter and gives fascinating information on topics that are fresh and appealing to children.
-- an entire page explores one subject and its related topics
-- lavish...Read more

School from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 1 March 1999

Mexico from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman and Jane Lewis

Published 15 March 1999
An alphabetical introduction to the history, geography, politics, culture, education, industries, and recreations of Mexico.

The Computer from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 19 December 1998
Each letter of the alphabet introduces a brief discussion of a word that has something to do with computers.

An alphabetical introduction to various aspects of the United States, such as "Baseball," "Kennedy Space Center," "Presidents of the U.S.A.," and "Yellowstone."

Santa Claus from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman and Barbara Bedell

Published 19 October 1999
An alphabetical introduction to various aspects of the legend of Santa Claus, such as "Elves," "Gifts," "Letters and List," and "Uniform."

Lavishly illustrated with artwork and amazing photographs, Alphabasics are a combination of ABC books and picture dictionaries. Each book names an object for each letter and gives fascinating information on topics that are fresh and appealing to children.
-- an entire page explores one subject and its related topics
-- lavish...Read more

Canada from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman and Niki Walker

Published 1 April 1999
An alphabetical introduction to the history, geography, politics, culture, education, industries, and recreations of Canada.

Presents a term related to some aspect of the Earth and its physical features for each letter of the alphabet.

Each letter of the alphabet introduces a brief discussion of a word that has something to do with human development, relationships, or self-concept, such as body, imagination, and quarrels.

Colonial Times from A to Z

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 1 October 1997