Why is it that effective action is so often difficult to take? How do you make it work when you do take it? Human nature tends to make action difficult or make it more likely to be delayed or be done half-heartedly (with subsequent negative impact on results). There are so many unpleasant issues to be faced, such as firing people or dealing with poor or unacceptable behaviour and performance; tackling sensitive issues such as bullying and discrimination; and handling awkward or embarrassing situations like networking or prospecting. Too often, managers and others find themselves in the discomfort zone with no chance of avoiding involvement and every wish to steer clear of the unpleasantness. This book faces these difficulties head-on and offers a wealth of excellent advice about reducing the discomfort, taking the right action and increasing the result. The key is to recognise the problem of inaction or avoidance, and to put yourself in the discomfort zone on a regular basis."

Manage Your Boss

by Patrick Forsyth

Published 1 March 2006
Unless you are CEO then you, along with everyone else in an organization, will have a boss. But as we all know, bosses can be from hell! Assuming things are not that bad, realistically your job is not to do as you are told and keep your head down. It is to work towards a situation where the relationship and way of working between the two of you benefits both; and to do so actively. This book is designed to help you make that happen. It will enable you to create a relationship with your boss as something that can potentially help you do a good job and to meet specific job objectives. Moreover, you do not succeed just by working for a boss; you must also work with your boss. The book provides advice and tips on collaborating and working in parallel with your boss.

How is your career going? Do you get the respect and recognition you deserve and sail through corporate life sans any obstacle to impede your ascension up the corporate ladder? Or does the office jungle sometimes threaten to overwhelm you? If you want to improve your efficiency or profitability of the organisation for which you work, learn about the latest management technique or improve a basic skill - like making a presentation or thinking laterally - then this book is not going to help you one tiny bit. If, on the other hand, you want to excel, progress or even just survive in the jungle of the modern office, then this is very much the book for you. Written by seasoned corporate consultant and author, Patrick Forsyth, "Surviving Office Politics" reviews the various aspects of office life from image development, performance, communication skills and more; and casts some light on how they may hinder or contribute to your professional growth and development.
Presented in a light-hearted manner, the book explains various approaches and techniques which offer key guidelines to success and tricks of the trade that could change your life and make you succeed in the competitive office jungle.