Book 2


by Mateo G R

Published 11 January 2019

Book 3


by Mateo G R

Published 26 January 2019

Book 4

Die Nacht des Kürbiskönigs

by Mateo G R

Published 6 February 2019

Book 5

Liber Umbrarum

by Mateo G R

Published 18 August 2019

Book 6

Book 7

In Tenebris

by Mateo G R

Published 25 September 2019

Book 8

Five Dark Tales from the Void

by Mateo G R

Published 15 September 2019

Book 9


by Mateo G R

Published 12 February 2020

Book 10


by Mateo G R

Published 23 February 2020

Book 12

Die Nachtseriesammlung II

by Mateo G R

Published 25 September 2019

Book 13

Book 14

Bestiary of 'Die Nacht Serie'

by Mateo G R

Published 29 February 2020