Book 1

Be My Neat-Heart

by Judy Baer

Published 25 April 2006

I've been told the reason I'm still single at twenty-nine is because there'll never be a man tidy enough for me.

I'm a professional organizer, so everything in my world is in perfect order. Well everything except my love life. But I think I've met my match in Jared Hamilton, who recently hired me to cure his sister's "clutter issues."

He's an even bigger neatnik than I am, but he also needs to control everyone around him. I'm starting to realize that sometimes love can be a messy business!

Book 5

Mirror, Mirror

by Judy Baer

Published 29 May 2007

"Who Is The Fairest One Of All...?"

A new reality show plans to answer that old question with on-air makeovers. Even though it isn't her idea of reality, model Quinn Hunter reluctantly agrees to host the show. That way, she can help a needy friend and follow her true calling - teaching children with special needs.

Her latest student is very special, and so is his father. Widower Jack Harmon is as far from the shallow fashion world as Quinn could imagine. But he and his little boy are teaching her more about beauty - and reality - than any TV show ever would!

Book 7

Sleeping Beauty

by Judy Baer

Published 25 September 2007
During a business trip to Chicago, chronic sleepwalker Suze Charles finds her lifelong problem leading her into love when while in a sleepwalking trance she bumps into handsome sleep disorder specialist David Grant.

Million Dollar Dilemma

by Judy Baer

Published 28 September 2005
Million Dollar Dilemma by Judy Baer released on Aug 30, 2005 is available now for purchase.

The Baby Chronicles

by Judy Baer

Published 28 August 2007

Whitney Blake left spinsterhood behind when she became Mrs. Chase Andrews, and marriage is all she'd hoped for.

But when her friends Mitzi and Kim start going baby-crazy, she longs for her own little bundle of joy. Wouldn't it be fun if they all could embark on their baby journey together? And so begins The Baby Chronicles, Whitney's journal of pregnancy, recording every bump and blessing- and a few unexpected detours and discoveries- on the road to motherhood.

The Whitney Chronicles

by Judy Baer

Published 1 April 2005
Her mother, sister and friends (?) fear spinsterhood may be thirty-year-old Whitney Blake's fate. And while she doesn't believe she'll be weaving tablecloths, Whitney wonders if Mr. Right will ever arrive.

Deciding to be more proactive, Whitney starts a journal, stating her goals: This month--Lose two pounds (sensibly). GET ORGANIZED. Start by cleaning closets. Have friends over for dinner. Pray more, obsess less.

It must be working--suddenly there are several men in Whitney's life. But are any of them marriage material, or is fabulous, single, Christian man an oxymoron?

Norah's Ark

by Judy Baer

Published 29 August 2006

Hi, my name is Bentley. I'm a mutt with a dash of pit bull in the soup, and I have issues. I'm not likely to win any beauty pageants, and I'm afraid of cats. But my human, Norah Kent, thinks I'm the greatest despite all my shortcomings.

The problem is Norah won't go out with anyone who doesn't like me. Norah says she's perfectly happy being single, and that in God's time she'll marry Mr. Right. But I think God's time may be right now, and Mr. Right may be Officer Nick Haley-the one guy who's afraid of a kitten-fearing basket case of a dog like me! I'll do just about anything to bring Norah and Nick together, even if I have to...gulp...woof!

Oh, Baby!

by Judy Baer

Published 1 January 2008

I, Molly MacKenna, am a pregnant woman's dream-and one man's nightmare!

From the moment we met, obstetrician Clay Reynolds scorned my profession as a birthing coach. His scathing remarks left me crying on the shoulder of my potbellied pig, Gertie! It seems only the handsome doc's eight-year-old son, who thinks I hung the moon, can make Clay be civil to me.

Clay is a great doctor and loving father. And we're finding a lot in common as we volunteer together at a free clinic. But he's still frowning at me in the delivery room.

So how can I convince him God gave me skills that complement his own? Maybe with a little help from above I can change Clay's attitude toward doulas in general... and me in particular.