Gravity and Gladness

by John Piper

Published 30 June 2010
This DVD and study guide will help believers journey toward a better understanding of how seriousness and happiness blend in godly worship. Perfect for Bible studies and community groups.

What's the Difference?

by John Piper

Published 1 April 1990

John Piper examines gender issues from a biblical perspective, showing how the teaching of true biblical manhood and womanhood affects the roles of men and women in the home, the church, and the wider society.

God Is the Gospel

by John Piper

Published 8 September 2005

Why We Believe the Bible

by John Piper

Published 8 June 2009
With the deluge of communication around us-books, newspapers, blogs, journals, and magazines all insisting that their view of the world is most compelling-which should we trust? This is no small question. In fact, our answer has eternal implications. The twelve-session Why We Believe the Bible Study Guide and DVD are designed to help study groups and classes explore the claim that the Bible stands above all others as the book of books, pointing infallibly to the King of kings. Through the DVD teaching of Pastor John Piper and the five guided assignments per week, participants will study biblical texts and discuss probing questions to help them see why the Bible alone is worthy of our confidence.


by John Piper

Published 8 June 2009
In combination with the TULIP DVD, which features the teaching of John Piper, these sixteen lessons instruct study groups in the five points of Calvinism, including its implications and biblical foundations.