The Trenches

by Jim Eldridge

Published 5 May 2016
It's 1917 and Billy Stevens is a telegraph operator stationed near
Ypres. The Great War has been raging for three years when Billy
finds himself taking part in the deadly Big Push forward. But he
is shocked to discover that the bullets of his fellow soldiers aren't
just aimed at the enemy...

Codename Celine

by Jim Eldridge

Published 3 September 2015
The Special Operations Executive (SOE) was formed in July 1940 -
its mission: to send agents into occupied Europe to conduct covert
operations against Allied enemies. Many of these agents were women
and girls. MY STORY: CODENAME CÉLINE tells the thrilling tale
of 'Céline', a young teenager, desperate to do her bit towards the
war effort. Parachuted into occupied France to help the Resistance,
Céline finds herself on the front line of fierce and terrifying
fighting - will she be able to keep her nerve and complete her
mission before it's too late?

Roman Invasion

by Jim Eldridge

Published 5 May 2016
It's AD 84 when Bran, a prince of the Carvetii tribe, is captured
by the Romans. A legion of soldiers is marching east, to build a
military road. It's hostile country, and Bran is to go with them
as a hostage to ensure the legion's safety ... but no one is safe
in newly conquered Britain.

Flying Ace

by Jim Eldridge

Published 14 November 2003
Jack Fairfax is the 19-year old second son of Lord and Lady Fairfax.
The Fairfaxes are steeped in the military tradition, and don't
approve of Jack's volunteering for the Royal Flying Corps. New-fangled
flying machines are nothing to do with 'proper' warfare.
Nevertheless, Jack takes to the skies in his Bleriot plane, and faces
the skills of the German ace pilots over the Somme. When his
best friend is shot down by one of them, he vows to avenge him...

The story of the war of 1914-1918 told through the experiences of
twelve children and young people. From the efforts on the Home Front
in both Britain and Germany, to the young soldiers in the trenches
at the Western Front and from the horrors of Gallipoli to
the naval battle of Jutland.


by Jim Eldridge

Published 20 September 2002
April 1587 Now I saw the Spanish ships clearly. Even from this distance I could see the men on board scurrying around the upper deck's, and knew they were hurrying to their stations, ready for battle. But we had been too quick for them. "FIRE!!" roared Mr Belson from the centre of the gundeck. Jones thrust his smoking taper into the back of the cannon and sparks flared from out of the hole. "Back!" Jones shouted, and we all leapt away-just in time because a loud explosion filled the area around us with smoke, bright sparks and flames.

Spy Smuggler

by Jim Eldridge

Published 10 December 2004
Paul Lelaud
France 1942-1944

I couldn't see the four fires, but I could smell them, the scent
of burning paraffin and wood coming thickly in waves of smoke across
the field. My heart started thumping again. Surely if we could
smell the fires, others could as well. A German patrol would smell
them for sure!
Then I was aware of a large shape looming up in the night sky, its
wings wide. It was the biggest thing I had ever seen. There were
no lights showing on it. Down, down, down it came, lower and lower.
I could hear the sound of its engine slowing and I thought with
alarm, "If it goes any slower it will crash in the field, and
what will we do then?"

Paul Leland is a 13-year-old boy living in rural France. He has been
living under Nazi occupation since 1940. Working with the Resistance
cell in his village, Paul is a crucial figure in the 'escape
route' for allied POWs and agents.