The Life of Mary Seacole

by Emma Lynch

Published 27 March 2006
This series tells the story of famous people by introducing evidence that survives from the era in which they lived. Biographical recount suitable for use in literacy lessons.

The Life of Pack C of 4

by Emma Lynch

Published 14 March 2005

The Life of Helen Keller

by Emma Lynch

Published 27 March 2006
Who was Helen Keller? Why is she famous? How do we know about her? This series introduces you to the lives of famous men and women. Each illustrated life story is told by primary source material, encouraging you to discover how we find out about important people in history....Read more

The Life of Guy Fawkes

by Emma Lynch

Published 27 March 2006
This series tells the story of famous people by introducing evidence that survives from the era in which they lived. Biographical recount suitable for use in literacy lessons.

The Life of Samuel Pepys

by Emma Lynch

Published 27 March 2006
This series tells the story of famous people by introducing evidence that survives from the era in which they lived. Biographical recount suitable for use in literacy lessons.

Who was Florence Nightingale? Why is she famous? How do we know about her? This series introduces you to the lives of famous men and women. Each illustrated life story is told by primary source material, encouraging you to discover how we find out about important people in history....Read more

The Life of Martin Luther King

by Emma Lynch

Published 27 March 2006
Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? Why is he famous? How do we know about him? This series introduces you to the lives of famous men and women. Each illustrated life story is told by primary source material, encouraging you to discover how we find out about important people...Read more