When Deputy Sheriff Jake Madigan was called to duty to bring in an escaped convict, he thought it would be a routine search-and-rescue mission. He was wrong.

Turns out capturing Abby Nichols was a cinch compared to hauling her out of the Rocky Mountains during a treacherous blizzard. His pretty-as-sin prisoner was not the hardened criminal he had expected but a violet-eyed seductress who could almost make him forget his by-the-book ways.

Jake knew that come hell or high water he would turn this woman over to the authorities once the storm passed. So why was he dodging bullets on her behalf and buying into her claim of innocence? Why was he so willing to warm her shivering body with his heated caresses? Why was he foolishly falling for his fugitive?

A Cry In The Night

by Linda Castillo

Published 1 November 2002

Search-and-rescue leader Buzz Malone thought losing the only woman he'd ever loved was the worst blow life could deal. He was wrong. Finding out that he had a son-a son his ex-wife, Kelly, had kept secret-was worse. Especially when that child was lost in the Rocky Mountains, pitted against a raging forest fire.

Tirelessly trekking through the mountains with Buzz by her side, Kelly soon realized that the wilderness wasn't the only thing on fire. For the passion that had always flared between them now burned hotter than ever. If they ever made it through this ordeal alive, Kelly vowed to face an even greater challenge-convincing Buzz to give their love another try!

Cops And...Lovers?

by Linda Castillo

Published 19 July 2002

After nine years as one of Chicago' s finest, Erin McNeal had come to sleepy Logan Falls for a second chance, not to be watched over by a man as infuriatingly overprotective- and disarmingly attractive- as Nick Ryan.

She was no damsel in distress, but someone wanted her dead, and Nick knew better than to entrust a guilt-driven daredevil with her own safety. It was his duty to protect her- whether she liked it or not. It seemed the only thing the chief of police and his newest deputy could agree on was the one thing they couldn' t resist- each other. Could the cautious single father and the reckless beauty be cops... and lovers?

Hero to Hold

by Linda Castillo

Published 1 September 2001

She had no name, no memory, nothing but the knowledge that she was pregnant and someone wanted her dead. Her only hope was John-the rescue medic who'd saved her life, the Good Samaritan who'd vowed to keep her safe, the sexy stranger who was stealing her heart. Her hero.

Saving lives was his job, but John Maitland had learned long ago the cost of personal involvement. Risking his life he could handle, risking his emotions-his heart-was out of the question. Until he rescued "Hannah," battered, bruised and scared for her life, off the side of a mountain. Suddenly things got very, very personal....

Remember The Night

by Linda Castillo

Published 20 December 2002


Michelle Pelletier had no alibi, a fuzzy memory and an utterly gorgeous detective on her doorstep accusing her of murder. Philip Betancourt wasn't buying her plea of innocence. After all, she'd confessed only half the truth….

The lady had a body to haunt a man–and a shadowy past, to boot. But Philip knew a frame job when he saw one. His instincts insisted he protect her…by keeping the sexy suspect very close. Philip wouldn't let anyone harm this vulnerable beauty who would make someone a perfect wife….