Have a Nice Night

by James Hadley Chase

Published 4 February 1982

When Detective Tom Lepski shot down the runaway killer on his beat in Paradise City, he unleashed a chain of events that would involve two sets of criminals and a honeymoon couple in one of the most exciting nights any of them had seen for a long time.

Wilbur Warrenton and his beautiful, grasping wife Maria are on their honeymoon in the luxurious Spanish Bay Hotel when their penthouse suite is the scene of a collision between a gang of jewel thieves intent on stealing the famous Warrenton diamonds and a gang of ransom-hungry Cubans - all determined to get exactly what they want - at any cost ...

Dirk Wallace is handed a simple assignment - find out who's blackmailing Mrs Thorsen's daughter. Before long, Wallace realises that he's up against some very organised crime.

And when things turn nasty, there's only one thing to do. Wallace and his assistant quit the Acme Detective Agency and go it alone. There's a score to be settled. And Dirk Wallace doesn't want to have to play by the rules.

Whiff of Money

by James Hadley Chase

Published February 1969

Secret Agent Mark Kirkland has been given the task of locating and retrieving three pornographic films. His mission must remain top secret as the films, rather embarrassingly, feature the daughter of the future president of the United States.

His quest leads him to the depths of Bavaria, where he finds Soviet agent Malik and sidekick Lu Silk also rather interested in the whereabouts of the films. Who will find them first? And, once found, who's to say they won't immediately disappear again?

The thriller maestro of the generation" Manchester Evening News

Try This One for Size

by James Hadley Chase

Published 9 October 1980

When Claude Kendrick, owner of a shadily run art gallery in Paradise City, is approached by Ed Haddon, the King of art thieves, to find a buyer for a priceless icon of Catherine the Great, he believes his dreams have come true.

Herman Radnitz, a multimillionaire, is the man prepared to pay six million dollars for the stolen art, but there's a catch: Radnitz wanted the icon delivered to Zurich as part of the deal.

To his joy, Kendrick learns of a couple travelling to Europe. All he has to do is make sure the icon is planted on them unawares. But he's picked the wrong couple ...

The Joker in the Pack

by James Hadley Chase

Published 30 October 1975

When Helga Rolfe flies into Nassau to join her elderly millionaire husband, Herman, she finds plenty of bad news awaiting her. Crippled, suspicious Herman has long suspected she's been playing around since their marriage, and is proposing to write some nasty-looking terms into his will.

Herman is right, of course - Helga's weakness is for handsome, sexy men like Harry Jackson, whom she meets on the beach the day she arrives. But Harry is not quite what she thinks - and because of him she suddenly finds herself in a nightmare world of blackmail, voodoo and violence ...

'I always enjoy his books ... he just keeps me reading' George Macdonald Fraser

Jerry Stevens, an out-of-work bit-part movie actor, is offered a job at a thousand dollars a day to impersonate John Merrill Ferguson, one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. Ferguson needs to finish a secret deal but hungry journalists are continually watching every move he makes. In order to complete it, Ferguson needs a 'stand-in'. For Stevens, the money is beyond his wildest dreams. But from the moment Steven's steps into Ferguson's shoes, he is thrown into a nightmare of intrigue, murder and stark terror.

Not My Thing

by James Hadley Chase

Published September 1983

Not my thing is a powerful, compulsive novel of betrayal and death from James Hadley Chase, the master of mystery and adventure.

Ruthless tycoon Sherman Jamison is determined to have an heir. He will let nothing stand in his way. Yet, not only is his wife unable to provide him with a child, but as a devout Catholic she will not consent to the divorce her husband so desperately wants.

And so Jamison decides to get rid of her ... permanently.

You Must Be Kidding

by James Hadley Chase

Published 31 March 1979

The only clue that could lead to the arrest of a homicidal killer is a golf ball button, torn from the jacket the killer was wearing, and found next to the horrifyingly mutilated body of a young hooker.

There are four owners of jackets with golf ball buttons living in the city. When Detective Tom Lepski of the Paradise City Police checks out these jackets, suspicion falls on Ken Brandon, an insurance agent.

But just when Lepski is sure he has his man, two more horrifying killings occur, and he is faced with the trickiest case he's ever had to solve.

A Can of Worms

by James Hadley Chase

Published 18 October 1979

Private detective Bart Anderson is hired by Russ Hamel, a millionaire author, to shadow his beautiful wife, Nancy. For Hamel has been receiving poison pen letters claiming that his wife has been having an affair.

But as Bart's investigation progresses, he discovers that he has opened up a can of worms - for Nancy is not the faithful wife her husband assumes ...

'The thriller maestro of the generation' Manchester Evening News

Helga Rolfe is blonde, beautiful, and bright enough to control her own multi-million pound empire. But not to control her secret weakness: sex. Former lover, Archer, knows it. He has an old score to settle with her and he needs cash. When handsome gigolo Christopher Greenville crosses his path, he's found the way to both.

With Archer's coaching, Chris cons Helga into wanting him badly enough to propose marriage, and when Archer fakes Chris's kidnapping, she is ready to pay the huge ransom. But events take a frightening twist when the local Mafia join the action ...

Keith Devery, burdened with a criminal record, arrives in Wicksteed, a prosperous little town on the Pacific coast. He is looking for any job that will provide eating money. It is when he meets Beth Marshall - whose husband, a local drunk, is to inherit $1,000,000 - that he realises there's a way to get back in the big league.

Together they ruthlessly plot the perfect murder, but Keith soon finds himself at the centre of a double-bluff. Beth has plans of her own once the money is hers ...

Have This One on Me

by James Hadley Chase

Published September 1967

Mark Girland, good-for-nothing secret agent with a distinct weakness for money and women, finds himself in Prague for his latest adventure. But events in the Communist country prove all too much for Girland as he comes face-to-face with a sinister world of deception, fraud and corruption.

'The same compulsive readability and sheer hard story-telling as in every other' Sheffield Telegraph

Although this story was first published in 1 939 it is still considered to be one of the most brutal thri llers ever to have been written. It concerns the kidnap, tor ture and rape of an attractive and wealthy girl by a sadisti c criminal. '

Steve Manson's magazine dealt in corruption: he attacked the rich, the powerful and the famous - and he made enemies. In a job like that, you couldn't afford to have dirty secrets of your own. With the whole town itching for you to make a slip, it was like living in a goldfish bowl.

But Steve had lived clean - until his beautiful, extravagant wife was caught shoplifting, and suddenly he was up to his neck in the dirtiest secrets of all - blackmail and murder.

Tell it to the Birds

by James Hadley Chase

Published 19 March 1970

When a small-time clerk insures his life for $50,000 and then suddenly dies ten days later, it doesn't take a genius to work out something suspicious is going on. So when Maddox, the top man in the insurance business, finds out, he is determined to get to the bottom of it. And this means trouble for someone. In fact, it means trouble for the beautiful, auburn-haired Meg Barlowe, a woman with a serious past.

'The thriller maestro of the generation' Manchester Evening News

So What Happens to Me?

by James Hadley Chase

Published 28 March 1974

Jack Crane arrives in Paradise City to find a job lined up for him by his ex-boss Bernie Olson. Bernie, a bomber pilot turned personal pilot to multi-millionaire Lane Essex, wants Jack to fly Essex's new luxury plane in a hijack plan.

Planning a hijack shouldn't be that difficult, but they soon discover they didn't account for every eventuality. There's a stowaway passenger on board - Lane's gorgeous wife Victoria - who decides to join the party ...

A brilliant but sadistic safe-breaker; a beautiful seductress; an expert young hunter and an ace pilot with a shady past - this is the team that undercover operator Armo Shalik assembles to steal the priceless Borgia ring from millionaire Max Kahlenberg's closely guarded fortress in the remote and deadly African bush.

But when Kahlenberg finds out they are coming, the gang's expedition turns into a strictly one-way safari - to slaughter ...

'Insanely readable' Observer

Chet Logan, known as the Axe Killer, escapes from custody while being escorted to jail. Disguised as a police officer, he meets up with movie writer Perry Weston and persuades him to drive to Weston's remote fishing lodge. Once there, and somewhat to Weston's surprise, Logan agrees to talk about his life and how he came to murder six people.

The police become suspicious and put a watch on the lodge. Then Weston's wayward wife visits him and promises a fresh start. Logan wants money and a chance to start again ...

Can either of them deliver or will Weston and Logan share a double funeral?

Knock, Knock! Who's There?

by James Hadley Chase

Published 20 September 1973

Johnny Bianda is a man with a dream. He wants to own a boat off the coast of Florida and he only needs $186,000 to buy it. He steals the money from his firm, knowing that one day they'll notice and one day they'll kill him for it - after all, it is the Mafia.

But for Johnny Bianda, the risk is worth taking and he knows it will be at least a year before they catch up with him. Unfortunately for Bianda, the knock on his door comes sooner than he thinks ...

Ace Up My Sleeve

by James Hadley Chase

Published March 1971
From the moment Helga Rolfe, the elegant wife of one of the richest tycoons, picks up a gum-chewing boy young enough to be her son, events jump back and skid through a series of 180-degree turns. Games of bluff and counter bluff quickly develop into a dangerous and deadly battle and as the action hots up, Chase weaves a fast-moving story of blackmail, intrigue and extortion with a hair-raising climax.