Preacher's Quest

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 January 2007

Book 1

Book 1

Book 1

Book 2

Preacher joins a wagon train in order to trap the Pardee brothers--human vultures who prey on innocent pilgrims--and when Preacher's group gets stuck on the Continental Divide, he is ready and waiting for the Pardees' attack

Book 3

Absaroka Ambush

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 February 1993

Book 4

Forty Guns West

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 December 1993
A friendly place . . . to die!

During a trip back east for a family reunion, Preacher learns that even the civilized Midwest can attract a motherlode of trouble . . . especially when a gang of local bully boys decide to pick a fight. Now wealthy landowner Elam Parks lies dead—and there's a $5,000 reward on the head of the man accused: the first mountain man.

The fortune in blood money has dispatched a small army of bounty hunters after Preacher. Now back in his once-peaceful homestead in the High Lonesome, as he sets his sights down the barrel of his '33 Hall North breechloader, Preacher is ready for target practice. And he can't think of a more scenic place to pick off the bloodthirsty manhunters, one by one.

Book 5

Book 6

Book 7

Book 8


by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 December 2001

Book 9

Preacher's Peace

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 January 2003

Book 10

Preacher's Justice

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 January 2004
He fought for his freedom

In a land of towering mountains and howling winds, a man has found a home—away from other men and away from memories of the past. A trapper by trade, a fighter at heart, he has earned the name Preacher, and a legend of his own.

He fought for his life

In the wilds, Preacher has learned the rules of survival, and he has killed in order to live. But now something is forcing him out of his Rocky Mountain range for the so-called civilized world. It is the memory of a woman. It is her blood calling out for revenge.

Now he'll fight for the truth

In St. Louis, a girl from Preacher's past has been murdered. For the man whose heart she once touched, the time has come to leave the high wild country—for truth, justice. and a new reason to kill.

Book 11

Preacher's Journey

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 January 2005
The Greatest Western Writer Of The 21st Century

Before he became a legend, Preacher was a trapper peacefully plying his trade in the Rocky Mountains. But people needed a hero. . .and Preacher was the only one around.

Now a wagon train of pioneers is struggling westward toward Oregon through the howling winter--and a band of Arikara warriors are hot on their trail. Little do the Arikaras suspect that they're about to come face-to-face--and gun-to-gun--with a ferocious fight they never expected. . .courtesy of a wily mountain man. As Preacher struggles to bring the settlers to safety, he learns the real reason they were attacked--and begins to suspect that the secrets they've been keeping equal to a worse kind of danger. With treachery in the air, more Arikaras on the warpath, and a deadly deep freeze bearing down, trust is a thing of the past--and survival is all that matters.

Book 12

Preacher's Fortune

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 January 2006

Book 16

Preacher's Fire

by William W. Johnstone

Published 1 September 2009

Book 27

Book 28

Book 29