We Like Fruit

by Gill Budgell

Published 4 January 2006

This non-fiction book is a report on the different types of fruit the children like to eat. Labelled mouth-watering photographs of melons, oranges, strawberries growing in their natural environment are accompanied by simple captions.

  • Pink B/Band 1B books offer emergent readers simple, predictable text with familiar objects and actions.
  • Text type – A non-fiction report.
  • All six fruits are shown in a labelled diagram on pages 14 and 15 to consolidate understanding and encourage discussion.

Wash, Wash, Wash

by Gill Budgell

Published 2 September 2013

This illustrated non-fiction book shows children how important it is to wash regularly. Follow the main character through his day from when he wakes up in the morning to having a bath before he goes to bed.

  • This illustrated non-fiction book shows children how important it is to wash regularly. Follow the main character through his day from when he wakes up in the morning to having a bath before he goes to bed.
  • Pink A/Band 1A books offer emergent readers very simple text supported by illustrations.
  • Children can recap the stages in the book using the flow chart on pages 14–15.
  • Text type: A simple non-fiction book
  • Curriculum links: Personal, social and emotional development