In the near future, an alien probe arrives on Earth with a pivotal mission - determine if humanity has what it takes to survive the impending invasion by a merciless armada. The probe discovers Marc Ibarra, a young inventor, who holds the key to a daring gambit that could save a fraction of Earth's population. Humanity's only chance lies with Ibarra's ability to keep a terrible secret and engineer the planet down the narrow path to survival. Earth will need a fleet. One with a hidden purpose. One strong enough to fight a battle against annihilation.
Only a sliver of mankind survived the Xaros invasion, and there is nothing left to stop their inevitable return, until a cryptic message from a long-lost alien race promises to help rebuild Earth's shattered defenses.
"A peaceful planet needs a miracle to survive an alien onslaught. It’s got the Strike Carrier Breitenfeld. The Xaros, a galaxy-wide scourge of murderous drones, have their sights set on the planet Takeni. Captain Isaac Valdar volunteers his ship to defend the innocent civilians and evacuate every one he can. Pressed by an alien fleet in space and a horrifying foe on the surface, the Breitenfeld must risk everything to save the doomed populace. Blood of Heroes is the latest installment in this epic military sci-fi series. The Ember War saga continues!"