Mabel finds life as a minister's wife in a small Michigan farming community brings many joys as well as many tribulations.

In Grandma's Attic

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 June 1974
A collection of stories of life in the late nineteenth century, many reflecting the Christian faith of the author's family, including tales of pride in a new dress, a special apron for grandpa, and a little girl lost while asleep in her own bed.

Fresh out of school herself, eighteen-year-old Mabel takes a teaching job in a farming community similar to the one where she grew up.

New Faces, New Friends

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 September 1995
Continues the adventures of Mabel, now pregnant and content with her life as a minister's wife in a small Michigan farming community, as she observes another minister's pursuit of someone to marry.

A School of Her Own

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 September 1995

A collection of stories of life in the late nineteenth century, many reflecting the Christian faith of the author's family, including tales of a contest for the best handiwork, a pig asleep in a baby carriage, and a visitor without a name.

Wedding Bells Ahead

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 February 2000

A collection of stories of life in the late nineteenth century, many reflecting the Christian faith of the author's family, including tales of a contest for the best handiwork, a pig asleep in a baby carriage, and a visitor without a name.

Away from Home

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 September 1995

As she listens to her grandmother's stories about her childhood on the family farm in Michigan, a young girl learns some important lessons about kindness, compassion, and the importance of prayer.

Treasures from Grandma

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 September 1984
Continues the adventures of Mabel as she attends school and takes part in family life on a Michigan farm in the late nineteenth century.

A collection of stories of life in the late nineteenth century, many reflecting the Christian faith of the author's family, including tales of a homemade anti-wrinkle concoction, a visit that proves money can't buy happiness, and a hard lesson in remembering to put things away.

The time before Mabel's wedding is busy as she teaches school and prepares for her new life as a preacher's wife.

At Hom in North Branch

by Arleta Richardson

Published 1 September 1995

In 1889 two sixteen-year-olds leave their homes to go to the academy in town, where they stay with relatives and enjoy being "grown up."