Book 1


by Mike Maden

Published 7 October 2014
With “an unforgettable cast of characters” (W.E.B. Griffin) and nonstop action, Mike Maden’s Drone kicks off an explosive thriller series exploring the hard realities of drone warfare.
Troy Pearce is the CEO of Pearce Systems, a private security firm specializing in drone technologies. A former CIA SOG operative, Pearce used his intelligence and combat skills to hunt down America’s enemies—until he opted out, having seen too many friends sacrificed for political expediency. Now Pearce and his team choose which battles they will take on.
Pearce is done with the United States government for good, until a pair of drug cartel hit men assault a group of American students on American soil. New U.S. president Margaret Myers secretly authorizes Pearce Systems to locate and destroy the killers wherever they are. Now Pearce and his team are in a showdown with the hidden powers behind the El Paso attack—unleashing a host of unexpected repercussions.

Book 2

Blue Warrior

by Mike Maden

Published 16 October 2014
Mike Maden exploded onto the military action scene with his blistering Drone. Now he returns with another electrifying novel featuring hero Troy Pearce.

Rare earth minerals have been found in the remote Saharan desert—and a rush of powerful nations converge to mine them. But the territory belongs to the Tuaregs—fierce warriors who are battling the Malian government for their independence.

With a vested interest in the rare elements, the Chinese offer to help the Malian government fight the rebels. Brilliant as the plan is in concept, the execution backfires and the fighting renews in intensity as Al Qaeda joins the fray.

In the dead center of the chaos are Troy Pearce's closest friend and a mysterious woman from his past. Deploying his team and the newest drones to rescue his friends and save the rebellion, Troy discovers that he may need more that technology to survive the battle and root out the real puppet masters behind the Tuareg genocide....

Book 3

Drone Command

by Mike Maden

Published 13 October 2015
Troy Pearce and his elite team of drone experts are called in when rising tensions between China and Japan threaten to dramatically change the geopolitical climate of the world.

When China stakes a dubious claim in the hotly disputed waters of the East China Sea, the prime minister of Japan threatens to dispatch the country's naval assets and tear up its antiwar constitution unless the Americans forcefully intervene. The war-weary Americans are reluctant to confront the powerful Chinese navy directly, but if the Japanese provoke a military conflict with their historic enemy, treaty obligations would draw the United States into the fight.

In order to deescalate the first foreign policy crisis of his administration, U.S. president Lane dispatches Troy Pearce and his team to Tokyo to defuse the situation. What they find is a quagmire of hawkish politicians, nationalistic fervor, special interests with their own hidden agendas, and possibly the greatest military threat that America has ever faced. In this treacherous atmosphere it will require all of Pearce's cunning--and his team's technological prowess--to separate the truth from misdirection, and prevent the world from plunging into war.