This is the fourth of five articles on the new Web standard, HTML5. This article is presented in four colors, with ample pictures that illustrate what you can do with your Web sites with the help of HTML5. Learn about the new ways in which video and audio can be easily embedded into your HTML5 Web pages. Discover how you can create new Web media content and how JavaScript, CSS, and SVG can be integrated to create a compelling, rich media foundation for your work.

The HTML5 JavaScript Model

by Matthew David

Published 1 January 2010
JavaScript is the glue that enables HTML to become interactive. Learn how you can leverage JavaScript Libraries to quickly build beautiful Web applications. HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade. The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site design and multimedia integration. The companion Web site features working demonstrations and tutorial media for hands-on practice.

Picture CSS3

by Matthew David

Published 1 January 2010

See how you can use Cascading Style Sheets 3, or CSS3, to quickly and easily increase your control over visual Web page design.

* Gain strong control over your color selection in CSS by using RGB syntax
* Embed Web fonts using EOT, WOFF, SVG FONTS, and TTF Web fonts
* Create gradients
* Control alpha level and transparency
* Skew CSS objects such as text with the Transform syntax
* Apply animation using CSS

Picture CSS3 is the second of five articles on the new Web standard, HTML5. These five full-color articles feature ample visuals to illustrate what your Web sites can do with the help of HTML5. The articles are also combined in the book , HTML5, which will add exclusive material in the form of a related real-life project to go alongside each article. This article is equivalent to 44 print pages.

Rendering HTML5 Illustration

by Matthew David

Published 1 January 2010
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and CANVAS are two new tools introduced in HTML5 that you can use to add illustration and interactive animation to your Web pages. Understand why there are two different formats, how you can use them, and where they can be used today. HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade. The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site design and multimedia integration. The companion Web site features working demonstrations and tutorial media for hands-on practice.

HTML5 Tag Structure

by Matthew David

Published 12 February 2010
Take a gander at the new HTML5 elements: how you can take advantage of them and what you need to look out for as you design your new Web sites. HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade. The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site design and multimedia integration. The companion Web site features working demonstrations and tutorial media for hands-on practice.