Book 1

The City of Veils

by S. Usher Evans

Published 16 April 2019

The City of Veils is a brand new YA Epic Fantasy from S. Usher Evans about a princess vigilante who must hang up her mask and become queen after her father and brother are murdered.


For the past three years, Brynna has been patrolling the streets of Forcadel as a masked vigilante, protecting the innocent and beating up bad guys. Her current target is Lord Beswick, a slumlord businessman who keeps the townsfolk in a vicious poverty cycle. But one fateful evening, she's captured by Felix, the captain of the king's guard, and told a shocking truth: her father and brother are dead, and she needs to hang up her mask and become queen.

Before long, she negotiates a deal with Felix: attend to her royal duties during the day and continue her vigilante mission to take out Lord Beswick at night - at least until her coronation. But the politics of Forcadel are as volatile as the streets, and Brynna isn't sure whom she can trust in the castle. With two royals dead in less than a month, she must use all her wits to make sure she isn't the third.

Book 2

The Veil of Ashes

by S. Usher Evans

Published 9 July 2019

Blindsided by betrayal, Brynna has been licking her wounds far from the city she called home. But the call to duty soon becomes too much to bear, and Brynna embarks on a quest for friends and allies who'll help her reclaim what was once hers. But vengeance comes with a heavy toll, one Brynna isn't sure she's willing to pay.

The Veil of Ashes is the blockbuster sequel to The City of Veils, which Foreward Reviews calls, "entertaining from the first page to the last."

Book 3

The Veil of Trust

by S. Usher Evans

Published 1 October 2019

Brynna has passed an important test, but the long road to reclaiming her kingdom is still fraught with dangers. Bolstered by her growing army of loyal soldiers, as well as friends new and old, she takes strides to free her people from the tyrannical hold of Ilara. But alliances are fragile, and old foes bring new challenges to the would-be queen. And Brynna learns that trust is harder to come by than she first thought.

The Veil of Trust is the third book in the bestselling Princess Vigilante series. Readers around the world have fallen in love with this fantastical world of seas and mountains, political intrigue, and masked mischief.

Book 4

The Queen of Veils

by S. Usher Evans

Published 31 March 2020

Brynna has returned to Forcadel, but not in a manner she ever expected. After being captured - interntionally - by Ilara, she's now playing the reticent but cowed vigilante. In reality, she's counting the minutes until her growing army amasses in Forcadel, led by her two closest confidants, Felix and Katarine. But her two friends are encountering problems of their own. Katarine's army can't get past the border of Forcadel, thanks to Ilara's new blockade. And Felix struggles with leading his army and proving himself worthy to his would-be queen.

The culmination of Brynna's journey from vigilante to queen will astound and surprise readers, taking them on a journey from one end of the continent to another. New alliances will be formed, old ones tested, and the true meaning of being a queen makes itself known to Brynna. Don't miss this stunning conclusion to the Princess Vigilante series.