Book 1

His Surprise Son

by Wendy Warren

Published 21 June 2016


In all her life, Izzy Lambert has only told one lie–fourteen years ago. Now that her teenage summer love is back in town she's on a mission to cover it up. But how do you hide a gangly fourteen-year-old boy?

Years ago, when golden boy Nate Thayer left Thunder Ridge, he never looked back. Izzy was from the wrong side of the tracks and they weren't ready to be parents to their unborn baby. Adoption was the answer. Now Nate's back home and seeing Izzy is like pouring gasoline on a fire that never died. But an even bigger surprise awaits him–finding out she wasn't the only one he left behind….

Book 2

Kiss Me, Sheriff!

by Wendy Warren

Published 21 February 2017

It only took one kiss...

Willa Holmes has one rule: Don't fall in love! Love brings ties and ties bring pain, and she's had enough of that. That's why the pastry chef fled to Thunder Ridge in the first place, to live privately and bake anonymously. But then she makes a big mistake: she kisses the local sheriff. The tall, dark, incredibly sexy sheriff....

No high-speed chase. That's Derek Neel's dating rule...till Willa. But the cowboy sheriff's hot pursuit hits a roadblock when he takes in an at-risk boy and Willa bucks like a frightened filly. Why is she so scared of the very things he wants most-love, family, forever? Derek isn't sure, but he knows this: Not even Willa can escape the loving arms of the law!

Book 3

Do You Take This Baby?

by Wendy Warren

Published 19 September 2017
Marriage is in this playbook!

Football champion Ethan Ladd planned to spend the off-season dating beautiful women and living the good life. Until his ailing infant nephew is thrust into his care. Despite his best efforts, social services doesn't believe Ethan is up to the task. It's fourth and long...and the offense has a loaded diaper. Time to pull out a trick play.

Marry Ethan Ladd? They dated once. It was so bad, people are still talking about it. But after Gemma Gould's failed engagement, a temporary husband and baby may be the closest she ever comes to having her dream family. Gemma agrees to play until Ethan wins custody. But when he makes a play for her heart...will they score a touchdown for love?