Book 142

The Tenderfoot

by Patricia Knoll and Sharon Kendrick

Published 1 January 1994

Book 308

A Double Wedding

by Patricia Knoll

Published 10 January 1997

Book 2961

Always a Bridesmaid

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 February 1989

Book 3002

Send in the Clown

by Patti Knoll and Patricia Knoll

Published 1 September 1989

Book 3264

The Real McCoy

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 May 1993

Book 3296

Harlequin Romance #3296

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 January 1994

Book 3402

Book 3422

Harlequin Romance #3422

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 August 1996

Book 3442

Two-parent Family

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 January 1997

Book 3502

Another Chance for Daddy

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 March 1998

Marriage Ties

Once smitten, twice wed. She still loved him-but could she marry him again?

When Clay Saunders finally realized that his adventurous life-style was no substitute for his ex-wife and son, it was too late. Rebecca was all set to marry the reliable new man in her life. Clay, she decided, would just have to accept that he'd lost her forever...

Then she made the fatal mistake of taking him back for a spell while he recovered from an accident. Playing the perfect patient, Clay began his campaign to win her back!

Six-year-old Jimmy clearly wanted his daddy to stay for good. Could Rebecca be persuaded to give him another chance, too?

The four Kelleher women, bound together by family and love.

Book 3530

Wedding Bells

by Patricia Knoll and Sharon Kendrick

Published 1 September 1998

Marriage Ties

Was her boss hearing wedding bells, too?

Working for Jared Cruz was a strain on Brittnie Kelleher. Not because he demanded on hundred percent commitment to her job, but because Brittnie found herself wishing he was one hundred percent committed to her!

Brittnie was dreaming of her boss, babies and wedding bells. At first Jared wasn't interested. But when his grandfather decided to play Cupid, Jared decided to prove once and for all that there wasn't a spark of chemistry between them. Only, suddenly, after the breath-stealing, knee-melting kiss that followed, the boss wasn't nearly so sure!

The four Kelleher women, bound together by family and love.

Book 3562

Bachelor Cowboy

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 May 1999

First-time father!

Sworn bachelor Luke Farraday's stubborn resistance to help or friendship-least of all from a woman-had been an infuriating puzzle to Shannon Kelleher since their first prickly meeting. Until Luke's sister left him temporarily in charge of his tiny baby nephew!

To her amuesement, the usually independent tough guy was helplessly out of his depth-and desperate for Shannon's assistance. As she taught the reluctant "father" to feed and change little Cody, Shannon noticed a change in Luke. His defenses were melting&—just like her heart. And slowly his story began to emerge....

Marriage Ties

The four Kelleher women, bound together by family and love.

Book 3582

Resolution: Marriage

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 December 1999

Book 3610

Project: Daddy

by Patricia Knoll

Published 1 June 2000

When Mac Weston found himself the guardian of his sister's children, he knew he was in trouble. He was a man who worked so hard he barely had time to look after himself, let alone a pair of mischievous toddlers. Which was why he hired Paris Barbour as the new nanny...

Paris could see straightaway that Mac adored the children-he just didn't know how to show it. What he needed, she decided, was to learn how to be a daddy. But during his lessons, was Mac going to realize he was also ready to be a husband?