First published in English in 1971, The Ile-de-France presents the reader with a study of the countryside around Paris through the eyes of Marc Bloch, a man with his own view of history. It looks at the area’s origins, extent, geographical features, archaeology, and past local histories.

The book extends beyond the region of Paris itself and offers the reader a masterful demonstration of the methodology of such enquiries and their purpose within the wider context of historical research. The work is particularly valuable in that it covers a wide variety of subjects and makes extensive use of archives and original documents.

French Rural History

by Marc Bloch

Published 2 December 1969
This is from the Preface by Lucien Febvre: Marc Bloch's Caracteres originaux de l'histoire ruralefranfaise, which was originally published at Oslo in 1931 and appeared simultaneously at Paris under the imprint Belles Lettres, has long been out of print. As he told me on more than one occasion, he had every intention of bringing out another edition. In Marc Bloch's own mind this was not simply a matter of reissuing the original text. He knew, none better, that time stops for no historian, that every good piece of historical writing needs to be rewritten after twenty years: otherwise the writer has failed in his objective, failed to goad others into testing his foundations and improving on his rasher hypotheses by subjecting them to greater precision. Marc Bloch was not given time to refashion his great book as he would have wished. One wonders whether he would in fact ever have brought himself to do it.
I have the impression that the prospect of this somewhat dreary and certainly difficult task (however one may try to avoid it, revision of an earlier work is always hampered by the original design, which offers few easy loopholes for escape) held less appeal than the excitement of conceiving and executing an entirely new book. However this may be, our friend has carried this secret, with so many others, to his grave. The fact remains that one of our historical classics, now more than twenty years old, is due for republication and is here presented to the reader.

Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe was first published in English in 1967. Throughout the work, the idea that Marc Bloch was not only a historian but a great teacher is exemplified, as is his ability to ask interesting and original questions through his writing. Topics covered include medieval Germany, technical problems in the medieval economy and society, and the medieval class structure.

The Selected Works of Marc Bloch

by Marc Bloch

Published 4 February 2015
The Selected Works of Marc Bloch reissues four titles from Bloch's impressive oeuvre. The titles in question are all translated into English and include Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe: Selected Papers, The Royal Touch: Sacred Monarchy and Scrofula in England and France, The Ile-de-France: The country around Paris, and French Rural History: An Essay on its Basic Characteristics.