4 primary works • 6 total works
Book 29
* Updated and enhanced to cover version 10.2 (Jaguar), including enhanced information on using OS X's powerful Unix features
* Offers scores of undocumented tips and secrets on installation; taking advantage of hot new features; setting up OS X on a network; running older applications in emulation mode; and using Sherlock 3, AirPort, iChat, iCal, Address Book, Apple Mail, and QuickTime 6
* Expanded and enhanced troubleshooting tips
* Covers exciting new interface changes and includes tricks for multitasking and customizing a system
* Offers scores of undocumented tips and secrets on installation; taking advantage of hot new features; setting up OS X on a network; running older applications in emulation mode; and using Sherlock 3, AirPort, iChat, iCal, Address Book, Apple Mail, and QuickTime 6
* Expanded and enhanced troubleshooting tips
* Covers exciting new interface changes and includes tricks for multitasking and customizing a system
Book 384
FileMaker Pro 8.5 Bible provides step-by-step procedures for using virtually all FileMaker Pro features and performing all tasks. This best-selling volume has been updated to reflect Version 8.5, the latest version of FileMaker Pro workgroup database. Applicable to both the Mac and Windows versions of FileMaker Pro, this Bible shows readers how to create and work with databases and includes detailed ScriptMaker (scripting) explanations for automating FileMaker. Other topics covered include calculations and computations; data exchange; creating and using templates; linking databases; using FileMaker in workgroups; Web publishing; plug-ins; and advanced database connectivity.
Book 435
Track information crucial to your business with the new FileMaker Pro 8 database software and the latest edition of this comprehensive guide. From capturing customer data, automating employee records, or linking databases, to tracking your own investments or home inventory, find out how to set up the FileMaker Pro database you need to classify important information and improve productivity. This valuable reference provides clear step-by-step explanations and examples for beginners as well as experienced database users, for both Windows and Macintosh.
Inside, you'll find complete coverage of FileMaker Pro 8 Get the "Big Picture" on FileMaker Pro for business and home Understand basic operations for both Windows(r) and Macintosh(r) platforms Define fields, set up scripts, and create new databases Master standard forms, columnar lists, and other layouts Create, enter, edit, and sort records Generate summary statistics across records Learn how to use ScriptMaker to automate FileMaker Exchange data between programs such as Microsoft(r) Excel(r) Publish or share data on the Web or company intranet Import and export XML Bonus CD-ROM includes Trial version of FileMaker Pro 8 for Windows and Mac Templates Plug-in tools
Inside, you'll find complete coverage of FileMaker Pro 8 Get the "Big Picture" on FileMaker Pro for business and home Understand basic operations for both Windows(r) and Macintosh(r) platforms Define fields, set up scripts, and create new databases Master standard forms, columnar lists, and other layouts Create, enter, edit, and sort records Generate summary statistics across records Learn how to use ScriptMaker to automate FileMaker Exchange data between programs such as Microsoft(r) Excel(r) Publish or share data on the Web or company intranet Import and export XML Bonus CD-ROM includes Trial version of FileMaker Pro 8 for Windows and Mac Templates Plug-in tools
Book 461
Refocused and completely rewritten with the needs of business users and FileMaker Pro developers in mind, FileMaker Pro 9 Bible shows you how to design an industrial-strength database, make it intuitive, and automate it with scripts and programming. From the fundamentals to data modeling to writing no-fail code, you'll find the clear, step-by-step procedures, solid techniques, and detailed explanations you need to master this powerful software and build the right solutions for your needs.
Coinciding with Apple's newest system release, Harmony, the "Macworld System 7.X Bible" does not only provide the new user with basic information, but also proves to be a valuable "must have" for the veteran power user. The CD has over 100 tutorials, demos, filters, and fonts.
Bestselling author Lon Poole provides Mac users with all the hottest information on the new features in Apple's Macintosh system software. This book covers the new system capabilities and explains the difference between versions of System 7. To get even more from System 7, the book suggests many new free and low-cost utilities. Includes tips and insights for increasing productivity.