
by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2013

The world God made turned against him – so he sent a flood. But God had a rescue plan in a man called Noah: the one faithful man left on earth.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2012

Joseph’s dream had come true at last! God had spoken to him and prepared him for a very special job… Find out what it was and learn how God looks after his people in every situation. You can read about this story in the Bible in Genesis, chapters 37–46.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2007

Jonathan truly loved the Lord God with all his heart and soul and mind. He loved David as a true friend and showed no jealousy when God chose David to be the next king. Jonathan pleased God – and was a true and faithful friend.


You can read about Jonathan in the bible in the Old Testament in 1 and 2 Samuel.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2014

Job lost his family, his property and his health, but he did not complain or blame God. Trusting in God made a huge difference in Job's life. When we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Friend and Redeemer, that makes a big difference for us too. God will give us patience and he gives us all we need for every day, especially the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ, who gave his life so that those who trust in him would have eternal life.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2012

Elijah loved and served God. Everywhere he went, God used him to perform amazing miracles and warn people who did wrong. Find out how he was fed by ravens and how a boy was brought back to life. As you read about Elijah, learn more about God and his purpose for our lives.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2007

David, the brave shepherd boy fought the roaring lion and the wild bear. He made sure no harm came to his flock. When he met Goliath, the giant, he knew that only God could rescue him. Find out how God looked after David and had a special plan for his life.



You can read about David in the Bible in 1 & 2 Samuel.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2015

The dazzling light stopped Saul in his tracks. When God spoke to him, he knew his life would never be the same again!



You can read about Saul in the Bible in the book of Acts.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2009

Miriam and her family lived in the land of Egypt, where they were slaves. The birth of her baby brother, Moses, put them in danger. But they loved and served God and knew that he was watching over them. Find out how Miriam and her people escaped from Egypt and began another exciting adventure.

You can read about Miriam and Moses in the book of Exodus.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2014

Samson had many faults yet before he was born he was described as 'the one who would begin to save Israel'. Even as a sinful man, God used him in the fight against the enemy.
God has provided us with a perfect Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will conquer all his and our enemies. He died on the cross to save his people from sin. He has fully accomplished this great salvation.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2012

Hannah was so happy when God answered her prayers. She knew her son Samuel was a special child. When God spoke to Samuel, he discovered that God had an important job for him to do. You can read about Samuel in the Bible in 1 Samuel Chapters 1–25.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2015

The Shepherds were excited when they heard the news about the new born baby. Following the star, they made their way to Bethlehem, to find Jesus, the Saviour of the world. You can read about the birth of Jesus in the Bible in Luke chapters 1–2.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2007

When Barnabas was a child, his name was Joses - but later on he was given the name Barnabas because that name meant encourager. Barnabas was very good at encouraging people! He encouraged many believers to keep following Jesus.

You can read about Barnabus in the Bible in the book of Acts.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 3 February 2017

Bible Wise has been introducing children to the characters of the Bible for many years. Narrated by Carine Mackenzie, who has written over 150 children's books, and with colour drawings on every page, these little books bring their big Bible characters to life!

The King's Choices follows the life and decisions of good King Hezekiah - from the restoration of the temple and trusting in God to save Judah from their enemies. This little book explores the choices we make and how we live our lives.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 3 February 2017

Bible Wise has been introducing children to the characters of the Bible for many years. Narrated by Carine Mackenzie, who has written over 150 children’s books, and with colour drawings on every page, these little books bring their big Bible characters to life!

A Man With A Message follows the difficult life of Jeremiah, who was chosen by God to give the message of destruction to the people of God.

Sarah & Abraham

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2013

Sarah and Abraham were told to leave their home and travel to a new country. God had given them a wonderful promise which seemed too good to be true. But as they obeyed God and began their adventure, they discovered that God always keeps his promises.



You can read about Sarah and Abraham in the Bible in Genesis chapters 12–24.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2012

Daniel always put God first in his life. When he is taken prisoner by the King of Babylon, he learns to trust God even more. Find out how he became an important ruler and how God looked after him in the Lion’s den.



You can read about Daniel in the Bible in the book of Daniel.

Jesus Is Alive

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2012

Mary couldn’t wait to tell people the good news – she had seen Jesus! He had risen from the dead, just as he said.



You can read about this story in the Bible in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2014

God sent Paul to travel to many interesting places to tell people about Jesus. These journeys were long, dangerous and full of adventures.

You can read this story in the Bible. Look up the book of Acts.