Corrie Ten Boom

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2011

Tells the true story of Corrie Ten Boom and little Dutch watch shop. While she mends watches she is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. Tells the story of God who is the only one who can keep us safe.

Amy Carmichael

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 20 July 2011

The true story of Amy Carmichael and her looking glass.
Out of the mirror two eyes peep. A young girl wonder if God has answered her prayer. Amy wants a new look. She wants blue eyes now and not brown. When Amy sees that the brown eyes are still there, tears begin to fall. ‘Why hasn’t God answered my prayer?’ she storms.
But God knows that there are other children with brown eyes who needs Amy’s help. Amy learns that God always answers prayer – and He always does what is best.

John Calvin

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2013

The man who caused a stir.

Calvin had ideas on how we could live better lives – particularly how we could live in close harmony with God and each other – but because his ideas were radical, his life was filled with dramatic events and dangers. He was run out of town – and then welcomed back. He was accused of being too harsh – and also too tender hearted. When he explained what the bible meant he was considered too logical and too spiritual! He must have been an amazing man to have caused such a stir!


The Trailblazer series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today. This gripping and astonishing story from Irene Howat will challenge young readers to seek truth like John Calvin did.


A well–known and long–standing series:

  • Over 50 titles
  • Great for ages 9 to 14
  • Published in 14 languages
  • Half a million books sold
  • Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books

Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.

Each book features:

  • Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
  • Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject


Hudson Taylor

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 1 May 1999

“Could somebody pass the salt?”

What would you do if someone forgot to give you any lunch and you weren’t allowed to ask for it?


Young Hudson Taylor’s story of a missing bowl of soup is an amusing tale from his childhood. In the end Hudson gets his soup – but that isn’t all. Hudson Taylor learns about the country of China. One day he will go there by himself to tell the people of China about the Lord Jesus.


    Martin Luther

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 November 2013

    How did an ordinary monk become a key figure in the Reformation that swept across Europe in the 1500s? 


    What were the reasons lying behind his nailing of 95 theses against the practice of indulgences to the door of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg in 1517? Why was Martin Luther’s life in danger? How did his apparent kidnapping result in the first ever New Testament translated into the German language? Discover how a fresh understanding of the Scriptures not only transformed his own life but had a huge impact upon Europe.


    The Trailblazer series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today.  This gripping and astonishing story from Catherine MacKenzie will challenge young readers to stand up for truth as Martin Luther did.


    A well–known and long–standing series:

    • Over 50 titles
    • Great for ages 9 to 14
    • Published in 14 languages
    • Half a million books sold
    • Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books

    Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.


    Each book features:

    • Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
    • Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject


    Gladys Aylward

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 July 2013

    Story of how Gladys Aylward was called by God to go to China as a missionary. As a girl she had always wanted to be taller and to have blonde hair. On arriving in China she realises that the people there all have dark hair and are generally not so tall. Her missionary work is simply described and her escape from the Japanese army, leading many orphan children over the mountains to safety. Told simply for younger children.

    John Knox

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 November 2012

    John Knox spent his life with a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other and he wasn’t afraid to use either.

    He began his theological life as a body guard to George Wishart – and it was when that young man was put to death by the religious authorities that John Knox was finally persuaded of the need to awaken his country from the death of injustice and spiritual poverty that afflicted it.


    He was never built for a quiet life and when he ran from one danger, he often found himself headed straight for another. Escaping from the authorities brought him straight into a castle siege and from there he ended up as a galley slave on a French frigate.
    No wonder he appreciated liberty when he had felt the grasp of slavery’s chains and the cut of the enemy’s whip.

    But his thirst for true freedom came from his longing for God’s Word to be preached. John knew that true liberty only came from being in service to God and his Kingdom.
    Many stood against him and they still do today… but he gave much to his country and to his God and the church and Scotland owe John Knox – they owe him thanks as they owe the God he served thanks for calling such men to be his preachers.


    The Trailblazer’s series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today.  This gripping and astonishing story from Catherine MacKenzie will challenge young readers to serve God as John Knox did.


    A well–known and long–standing series:

    • Over 50 titles
    • Great for ages 9 to 14
    • Published in 14 languages
    • Half a million books sold
    • Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books

    Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.


    Each book features:

    • Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
    • Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject


    C.S. Lewis

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 July 2013

    Story of C S Lewis' life, how he dreamed up stories about different worlds as a boy, experienced sadness and had to go to boarding school. His writing and his questions about God and then his faith and trust in God - all told simply for younger children.

    These five beautifully illustrated hardback books give lessons from the lives of famous Christians from the past - Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Corrie ten Boom, George Muller and Helen Roseveare. Learn about God's plans for people's lives and His amazing provision.

    These five beautifully illustrated hardbacks continue the Little Lights series and cover the lives of David Livingstone, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Eric Liddell and Mary Slessor.

    Eric Liddell

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 May 2012

    Which is more important – winning a gold medal or honouring Jesus Christ?

    ‘On your marks, get set, Go!’ The race begins and Eric Liddell thunders down the track. The crowd cheers him on. 


    Eric Liddell has spent months preparing himself for the Olympics. 

    But he has also spent years seeking to serve God. 

    Can Eric do both?


    In the Little Lights Series, Catherine MacKenzie shares stories from the past to inspire the next generation of courageous followers of Christ.


    Accessible language and attractive images designed to excite and engage young readers.

    • Read to me: 4–5
    • Read Myself: 6–7


    Mary Slessor

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 November 2010

    Mary Slessor was a fiery young red head who lead a tough life. From the slums of Dundee in Scotland she travelled to the wild jungles of Africa. Wherever she went she shared the good news of Jesus Christ. What was it like to work in a jute mill in Dundee or to work amongst warrior tribes in Africa? It was hard work, it was dangerous – but it was an adventure to be working for God.

    Charles Spurgeon

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 8 November 2019

    Charles Spurgeon preached from the Bible in a way that ordinary people could understand. He even acted out Bible passages and would pace back and fore dramatically! He was a great preacher, but he knew that it was God who was behind this. It was God who made Spurgeon great.

    George Müller

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 May 2012

    What would you do if you needed some money?


    Would you pick some of a tree in the garden? Of course you wouldn’t – because money doesn’t grow on trees. You have to work for it. Sometimes you have to work hard.


    George Müller didn’t like to work and tried to get his money in other ways. He would cheat and steal and was eventually thrown in prison. Find out how God changed George from a taker to a giver!


    In the Little Lights Series, Catherine MacKenzie shares stories from the past to inspire the next generation of courageous followers of Christ.


    Accessible language and attractive images designed to excite and engage young readers.

    • Read to me: 4–5

    • Read Myself: 6–7

    Lottie Moon

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 May 2015

    Lottie Moon had little to occupy her mind beyond school lessons, dresses and pranks (oh, and skipping church whenever she could). However, one day things change for Lottie. Find out how the naughty little rich girl gives her life to mission work in China. Today she is one of the best remembered missionaries in America with millions of dollars having been raised by her memorial Christmas offering.

    David Livingstone

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 May 2012

    The true story of David Livingstone and his astonishing journeys.

    What would you do if a lion chased you? Would you fight it? That’s what David Livingstone did.

    He did many brave things. He didn’t think twice about travelling to Africa to tell the people there about Jesus, even though it was a dangerous trip. David was brave because he trusted in the bravest person of all – the Lord Jesus Christ.


    In the Little Lights Series, Catherine MacKenzie shares stories from the past to inspire the next generation of courageous followers of Christ.


    Accessible language and attractive images designed to excite and engage young readers.


    • Read to me: 4–5
    • Read Myself: 6–7


    Helen Roseveare

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 20 May 2012

    The true story of Helen Roseveare and the hotwater bottle. In the Jungle an orphan baby need a hot water bottle, urgently, but no one would ever send one of these to the heat of the equator would they?!

    However, when a little girl prays for God to send one that afternoon, Helen Roseveare wonders if her prayer will be answered. Will God send a hot water bottle to the equator? Find out what happens when Helen opens the parcel.

    Little Lights Box Set 3

    by Catherine MacKenzie

    Published 6 November 2020

    This box set contains the charmingly illustrated stories of five heroes of the Christian faith – C. S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward, Lottie Moon, John Knox and Charles Spurgeon. These hardback books will delight 4–7 year–old children.