Bible Heroes Esther

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 May 2002

Esther is entering a beauty contest! The King is going to choose a wife. Is Esther going to be the fairest of them all?

To find out about the beauty contest and how Esther saves the day - colour in the book and read the story. You can read about the book of Esther in the Bible in the book of Esther.

Bible Heroes Mary

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2013

Mary's baby will be the Saviour of the world. But she has to go on a journey first. When she arrives there isn't anywhere to stay! Where will the baby be born? To find out about the long journey and Mary's special baby - colour in this book and read the story. You can read about Mary in the Bible in the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Bible Heroes Peter

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 21 March 2003

Peter was stuck in a storm.

The waves crashed and the winds howled. Then why did he climb out of his the boat? And who was it who began walking towards him on the waves? Something extraordinary is happening!

To find out why Peter is climbing out of the boat in the middle of the ocean - colour in this book and read the story. You can read about Peter in the Bible in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and 1st and 2nd Peter.

Bible Heroes Noah

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2013

God spoke to Noah. He told him to build a boat. But there wasn't any sea! All the people laughed at Noah and made fun of him. Does Noah end up looking stupid or does something worse happen?

To find out about how God rescues Noah, his family and the animals - colour in this book and read the story. You can read about Noah in the Bible in the book of Genesis.

The Ruined City

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2010

Dot to Dot activity

Bible Heroes Moses

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2014

Moses was born in dangerous times. God rescued him as a baby from being killed by Egyptian soldiers. God chose him to be the leader of God’s people the Hebrews.

To find out about how God guided Moses and the Hebrew people to the promised land, colour in this book and read the story. You can read about Moses in the book of Exodus.

Bible Heroes Sarah

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2014

Sarah was beautiful and married to Abraham but they had no children. God had promised them a son.

To find out about how God keeps his promise and how Sarah eventually has a baby boy, colour in this book and read the story. You can read about Sarah in the Bible in the book of Genesis.

Bible Heroes Gideon

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 21 July 2005

These colouring books are ideal for the child who is looking for something a little bit more demanding. There is extra detail and block words to colour in challenging children to develop their hand eye coordination.

Elijah - He knows who the real God is and starts a competition to prove it. Everyone is watching, who will win?

Gideon - His country is at war. There are dangerous enemies to fight. Gideon has to choose an army, but who will he pick?

Joseph - His brothers can't stand him and sell him as a slave. Joseph is in prison. What is he going to do?

Ruth - Ruth and Naomi are poor and have travelled a long way. They need help. Will the man in the field help them?

These four titles are a welcome addition to the already successful series of 6. They have been produced at the ever-popular handy A5 format. Ideal for Sunday schools and Children's church or for quiet rainy day activities at home.

With examples of people who obeyed, followed, loved and trusted in God these books are excellent ways to introduce children to the human-interest stories of the Bible as well as showing God's interest in us.

On the back cover of each book you are told where to find the story in the Bible

God Never Changes

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2010

Do you want to learn about God? Do you know that God never CHANGES? You CHANGE when you grow up. The weather will CHANGE from wet to sunny but God will never leave you. God will never CHANGE. Colour in the pictures and learn some new words. Have fun and learn about how God never CHANGES. Illustrated by Derek Matthews.

The Book of Psalms has lots to teach us. Many of the verses that we read and sing from this book tell us about how God is our comfort. We can rely on him in any situation however sad or difficult. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You'll learn that when we are with God we are safe and secure. Book 2 focuses on comfort.

The Book of Psalms has lots to teach us. Many of the verses that we read and sing from this book tell us about how God is full of mercy. We can trust in God to forgive our sins. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. Book 4 will show you that God shows us love and forgiveness even when we don't deserve it.

The Book of Psalms has lots to teach us. Many of the verses that we read and sing from this book tell us about true Joy which is only found in the one true God. We must sing and praise God for all his wonderful works. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. Book 3 will teach you how joyful it is to worship our Heavenly Father.

God Knows Everything

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2010

Do you want to learn about God? Do you know that God knows EVERYTHING. God is very clever and wise. He knows EVERYTHING about you. He knows how many hairs are on your head and he knows if you love him. Colour in the pictures and learn some new words. Have fun and learn about how God knows EVERYTHING. Illustrated by Derek Matthews.

The Book of Psalms has lots to teach us. Many of the verses that we read and sing from this book tell us about how God is our guide. We must trust and follow him. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You'll learn about how it is God's instruction and wisdom that we need. Book 1 focuses on guidance.

Colour the Bible Book 6

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 1 January 2001

There are 66 books in the bible and lots to learn. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You'll learn about God and his Word. Extra verses are included which teach about what the Bible does and and who Jesus is.

You will also discover about 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and Revelations.

The Very Busy Week

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 May 2002

Join the dot to dots about Jesus' very busy week. You can read about Jesus' busy week in the books of Mark and Luke.

Colour the Bible Book 1

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2002

There are 66 books in the Bible and lots of things to learn. Copy the missing words and colour your way through the pictures. You’ll learn lots about God, The Bible and Jesus. You will also discover about Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles.

Colour the Bible Book 5

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2008

There are 66 books in the bible and lots of things to learn. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You' ll learn about God and his Word. Extra verses sre included which teach about what the bible does and who Jesus is.

You will also discover about Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians.

Colour the Bible Book 3

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2008

There are 66 books in the bible and lots of things to learn. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You' ll learn about God and his Word. Extra verses sre included which teach about what the bible does and who Jesus is.

You will also discover about Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

The Long Journey

by Carine MacKenzie

Published 20 November 2010

Join the dots to find out about Paul's long journey. You can read about Paul in the Book of Acts. Illustrated by Merill MacWilliam.