Bible Alive
14 total works
Jesus means so many things to different people… but it is so wonderful that he can be our Saviour. He came as a child to Bethlehem but in the end he went to the cross to die. He died so that we can live. He died so that we can be forgiven. He died so that those who believe in him will go to live with him, in heaven, when they die. Jesus the Saviour died and came back to life to show us that those who love him can look forward to spending forever with him – because he is our wonderful Saviour.
To have true repentance you must be truly sorry for your sins. You will turn away from them and turn to God. God is the only one who can forgive sins. David found this out when Nathan the Prophet spoke to him.
Find out how God forgives David for his sinful action and how we need God’s forgiveness too.
Jesus means so many things to different people... but he was known to many people as the one who healed lepers, made the lame walk and gave the blind back their sight. His amazing powers over death and sickness showed he was special...His power came from God, his father. Jesus' power can make a difference to our lives. Ask him to help you!
Jesus so many things to different people... but he also was a great storyteller. Jesus would gather the people around him and tell them wonderful truths about God. He told them about loving God was and how he hated all sin. But Jesus also told them how to become children of God. The storyteller told the truth... and he tells it to us. We must believe him.
As Egyptian soldiers search for Hebrew baby boys Moses' story begins. God keeps this little boy alive to do great things.
Moses is now in the desert again. There are problems - and set backs - but he has help, he is being guided by the Lord God. But will Moses be able to lead them all the way? God is the guide - so it's He who decides.
Moses wasn't born a prince - but everyone now knows him as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, Moses has plenty of riches and nothing to fear. God has chosen him for something greater than royalty.
Moses finds himself back in Egypt - but he's not welcome there. Moses is taking a message to Pharaoh to free God's people but Pharaoh won't listen. What will happen?
To be a man of courage you have to stand up and be brave. David learned courage as he protected his flock of sheep from wild animals. These lessons would help him when he faced one of Israel's greatest enemies on the battlefield with just a sling and a handful of small stones to protect him.
Find out the secret behind David's courage and what God has in store for the young shepherd boy.
Full of intrigue retelling the story of David the soldier. To be a man of patience you have to be willing to wait and trust in God. David learned patience as he waited to become King and waited for God’s plans to be fulfilled. Find out why it is important to be patient and to trust in God and his plans.
Jesus means so many things to different people . . . but he also is the Miracle Worker who calmed the storm, made water into wine and fed 5,000 people with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. The powerful Son of God not only did amazing things with bread and wine and waves - he changes lives.
To be a true friend you need to put others before yourself. David and Jonathan were true friends. But David learned throughout his life that there was one friend who was always faithful, always trustworthy – the LORD God.
Find out how God shows his faithfulness to David as he escapes his enemies.
Jesus means so many things to different people...but once he was a child. The baby visited by shepherds and wise men in Bethlehem became the man who performed miracles, healed sickness, and showed the people who God is. The Son of God came to Bethlehem, where there was no room for him in the inn... but you make room for Jesus in your heart.
Jesus means so much to different people -but he is also a teacher because he helps us to understand the wonderful truth about God his father. He taught people that God wants us to obey him and love him and that he loves us. Jesus taught about forgiveness and he teaches us that we can be forgiven too if we ask God.