Guns Along The Canyon

by Tom Benson

Published 30 April 2002
When the gold rush started, so did the killing. It was down to Marshal Dave Anders to keep the peace, but what could he do? He was faced with shootings, explosions and mysterious disappearances that sent him off to Mexico in search of information. But when he returned the situation was even worse.

The Land Grabbers

by Tom Benson

Published February 2006
Old Harry Payne was a rogue who exploited everything and everybody. When he was killed in a shoot-out, the world seemed well rid of him, but those responsible soon found themselves targets. Then Harry's sons started a range war and hired a professional gun to keep the local ranchers off their land. Now, the town of Coville was involved and a new marshal took up his guns. Yet, the more he learned the more complicated the problem seemed. There was destined to be a final shoot-out, and the marshal had to sort it out his way - or die in the attempt.

The Stage to Cooper's Creek

by Tom Benson

Published 31 October 2006
The stage to Cooper's Creek was overdue. It had left Tombstone on time, called at Silverton, and then set out on the last leg with two passengers on board and money for the local bank. But it never arrived. It just vanished. Marshal Willard was a federal man and he soon stumbled on other people who were interested in the missing stage. Cooper's Creek became the scene of shootouts and the marshal found himself in the company of a young investigator as they headed for a deserted mining town. When they eventually found what they were looking for, one little parcel was still missing. An old miner held the key to what had happened, but could they track him down and get him to talk?

The Bladon Bunch

by Tom Benson

Published 30 July 2004
Will Bladon and his sons called themselves bank robbers. Pyke's Crossing seemed an easy target and they struck ruthlessly. After a killing and a wild chase, they learned a bitter lesson. They needed somebody to help them. Somebody who could plan things and show them how to get around the defences that banks were setting up. Josh Abbot, a scruffy, unwashed character who looked a drifter, became the brains that directed the Bladdon bunch. An out-of-work cowpoke and a greedy marshal were both after the rewards on offer. The Bladons were being hunted, and so was the man who guided them. Revenge took a part in it, too, and would end in a deadly shoot-out.

The Treasure Canyon

by Tom Benson

Published 31 August 2001
Twice a year, old Jake Cotter would disappear dressed like a prospector and return to put money and nuggets in the bank. Jealous neighbours decided that his wealth must come from a secret goldmine, and soon Jake paid for his secret with his life. Now his son Tom has returned to avenge his father.

A Town Called Defiance

by Tom Benson

Published 31 July 2006
Nearly twenty years after the end of the Civil War, one small town near the Mexican border was still strongly Confederate. The locals called their town Defiance and clung to old loyalties. And then a stranger arrived. He saw or heard something that stirred his memory of the past and asked one too many questions. That started the shooting...A federal marshal arrived on the scene, but there would be more deadly gunfire before the mystery could be solved.

Granton Gang

by Tom Benson

Published 31 October 2005
Bluff Point was a peaceful town where nothing ever happened - until the Granton gang raided the bank. But their carefully laid plans were a wasted effort when the crafty bank manager and town preacher interfered. After a shoot-out the town seemed able to settle down again. But, during the attempted heist, Alf Granton had stumbled upon information that could make him rich. The town was covering up for a past crime and Alf knew just who was responsible. It all led to more killings and a final shoot out with the Grantons that brought about a surprise and bloody ending.

The Duel at Murphy's Ford

by Tom Benson

Published 29 February 2008
Eli Riley was the marshal of Murphy's Ford. It was a prosperous town, growing with the aid of copper mining and a peaceful place in which to live. Then something went wrong. The town's water supply was poisoned and folk became ill. Blame was laid on the copper company and trouble started when two prominent citizens were killed.Then a stranger came to town, looking to avenge their deaths. Murphy's Ford was divided and a vigilante mob set out to make trouble for the mine owners. Marshal Riley found himself in a shoot-out that left him injured as the water poisoners became known and the demand for their lynching grew.How would it all end?