This is an authoritative career guide for budding artists.Today's artists work in large corporations, schools, theaters, hospitals, museums, and their own homes. Some make their living strictly through their creative works, but most individuals in this field combine their creativity with some sort of technical skill, such as computer design, or specialized training, such as counseling, in order to pursue their career goals. For those who dream of a career as a graphic artist or an art gallery curator, ""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in the Art Industry"" is packed with essential tips for success in this creative field.The chapters include: Plan for Success; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; and, Succeeding in the Workplace.

This book provides insider's tips for success in the computer industry.The Department of Labor estimates demand for computer scientists at 135,000 a year, and strong demand for trained computer specialists will continue through 2014, according to the Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology. For those who dream of pursuing a career as a software engineer or a Web designer, ""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in the Computer Industry"" is packed with tips for success in this lucrative field. With sound advice from professionals, career strategies, insider secrets, and more, readers will find the tools they need to achieve career success in any area of computers they choose.The chapters include: Plan for Success; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; and, Succeeding in the Workplace.

This book helps readers navigate their way to a successful job in law enforcement.""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in Law Enforcement"" is an essential resource that provides readers with practical insight on a wide range of jobs in law enforcement, including police work, corrections and rehabilitation, loss prevention, risk management, and security. Acting as a personal coach for students who dream of a career in law enforcement or protective services, this new career guide offers a wealth of industry secrets, tips, and basic advice from professionals.The chapters include: Plan for Success; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; Succeeding in the Workplace; and, Succeeding as a Law Enforcement Officer or Special Agent.

With practical advice on making contacts, self-marketing, interviewing, career strategies, and much more, this series is suitable for readers looking to enter - and excel in - the workforce.

This is an information-packed resource for students entering the education field.For those who dream of a career in teaching or administration, ""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in Education"" is packed with essential tips for getting ahead in this burgeoning field. Readers will find practical insights into achieving career success in any area of education they choose. Acting as a personal coach, this practical career guide provides students with advice on making contacts, interviewing, strategies, and much more to excel in a career in this growing industry.The chapters include: Plan for Success; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; Succeeding in the Workplace; and, Succeeding as a Teacher.

This book offers an insider's look at a successful career in the music industry.Whether students dream of pursuing a singing carrer or becoming a big music producer, ""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in the Music Industry"" is packed with useful tips for success in this highly competitive business. Author Shelly Field provides her own insider knowledge from years of experience in this field, as well as basic advice, industry secrets, and tips for readers looking to enter - and excel in - the exciting music industry. Personal experiences of successful professionals complete this extensive guide.The chapters include: Plan for Success in the Music Industry; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; Succeeding in the Workplace; and, Succeeding in the Talent End of the Industry.

This book provides essential career tips and guidance for the theater and performing arts industry.The performing arts can be a very competitive industry for actors, directors, singers, and set designers alike. ""Ferguson Career Coach: Managing Your Career in Theater and the Performing Arts"" is packed with tips to help students meet the challenge and achieve career success. Loaded with practical advice, career strategies, interviewing tips, and much more, this indispensable book takes readers behind the scenes and teaches them all they need to know to make their mark in this creative field.The chapters include: Plan for Success in Theater and the Performing Arts; Job Search Strategies; Tools for Success; Getting Your Foot in the Door; Marketing Yourself for Success; The Theatrical Audition; and, Succeeding in the Talent End of the Industry.