This self-contained, comprehensive treatment of variance and regression analysis, is suitable for students and researchers who may not have a calculus background. Models, tests, assumptions and confidence intervals allow readers to locate the material, know when to do the analysis, and correctly interpret results. New information in this edition, not found in other texts at this level, includes discussions of widely used computer programs to perform the analysis, and a new chapter on repeated measures designs.

Basic Statistics

by Olive Jean Dunn

Published December 1962
Regression Analysis by Example Samprit Chatterjee and Bertram Price Bridges the gap between theory and practice of regression analysis, providing a balance between theoretical results and the analyst's subjective judgment. Describes methods by using realistic examples that emphasize the analysis of data and that contain irregularities similar to those encountered in practice. Demonstrates how to apply theoretical results by utilizing standard--and some not so standard--summary statistics on the basis of their intuitive appeal. 1977 Interactive Data Analysis A Practical Primer Donald R. McNeil Introduces the use of Exploratory Data Analysis in scientific work. Gives a set of numerical and graphical methods to find structure in data. Illustrations show the power and simplicity of the methods, and all listings are given in Fortran and APL for all the programs used to produce displays and analysis in the text. Assumes no formal knowledge of probability, mathematics, or computing. 1977 Statistical Survey Techniques Raymond J. Jessen A comprehensive, balanced treatment of the techniques for designing surveys and analyzing their data. Describes the methods which seem to be basic to such diverse fields as public opinion measurement, sociology, political science, economics, business, various governmental agencies, biology (e.g. wildlife and fisheries), engineering (e.g. traffic studies), urban planning and management, ecological studies, and many others. 1977