Book 1

The Skystone

by Jack Whyte

Published 5 January 2002

This first novel in Jack Whyte's riveting Arthurian series tells how the story of Camelot may have actually come to be.

We all know the story--how Arthur pulled the sword from the stone and how Camelot came to be.

But how did it really happen?

The Roman citizens of Britain faced a deadly choice: leave to live in a corrupt Roman world, or stay amidst the violence of the warring factions of Picts, Celts, and invading Saxons.

For Publius Varrus and Caius Britannicus, there is only one answer. They will stay, try to preserve the best of Roman life, and create a new culture from the wreckage.

In doing so, they will plant the seeds of a legend. For these two men are Arthur's great-grandfathers and their actions will shape a nation...and forge the sword known as Excalibur.

Book 2

The Singing Sword

by Jack Whyte

Published 1 October 1996
We know the legend: Arthur brought justice to the land that his forefathers carved out of the chaos of the fallen Roman Empire, a land that had known only cruelty and force. With the sword Excalibur, Arthur became England's greatest king. But legends do not tell the whole tale. Legends do not tell of the despairing Roman soldiers, abandoned by their empire, faced with the choice of fleeing back to Rome or struggling to create a last stronghold against the barbarian onslaughts from the north, and east. Legends do not tell of Arthur's great-grandfather, who marked the boundaries of an empire with his own blood. With THE CAMULOD CHRONICLES, Jack Whyte tells us what legend has forgotten: a history of blood, violence, passion and steel, out of which was forged a great sword, and a great nation. As the Dark Ages fall over Roman Britain, a lone man and woman fight to build a last stronghold of law - a crude fort, which, long after their deaths, will become a great city, a fort known as Camelot.

Book 3

The Eagles' Brood

by Jack Whyte

Published 15 August 1997
Most know the leader of the Colony as Merlyn; all call him Commander. Caius Merlyn Britannicus is responsible for their safety, and all look to him for guidance, leadership and justice. It is a harsh life, but a good community, and Merlyn is dedicated to spreading the influence of Roman culture beyond the Colony's borders. Uther Pendragon, the man who will father the legendary Arthur, is the cousin Merlyn has known and loved since their births, four hours a part on the same day. Uther is the timeless warrior, the red dragon to Merlyn's great silver bear, and between the two of them, the colony of Camulod knows few enemies. In a world torn apart by warfare and upheaval, each is the other's certainty and the guarantee of the survival of the Colony...until a vicious crime, one that strikes at the roots of Merlyn's life, drives a wedge between them and threatens the fate of a nation.

Book 4

The Saxon Shore

by Jack Whyte

Published 31 December 1998
The eagerly awaited new novel in Jack Whyte's acclaimed Arthurian seriesIn this historically authentic, internationally bestselling novel, the orphaned Arthur is heir to the Colony of Camulod. Born with Roman heritage as well as the royal blood of the Hibernians and the Celtics, Arthur is the living incarnation of his ancestors' dream: independent survival in Britain amidst the ruins of the Roman Empire. When Arthur is adopted by his cousin, Caius Merlyn Britannicus, an enormous responsibility is placed upon Merlyn's shoulders. Now he must prepare young Arthur to unify the clans of Britain and guard the mighty sword Excalibur, crafted by his great uncle, Publius Varrus. Above all, Merlyn must see that Arthur survives to achieve his ancestors' dream, in spite of the deadly threats rumbling from the Saxon Shore."Another dipperful from the fertile Arthurian well, sans magic but brimful of action". -- Kirkus Reviews on the Eagles' Brood"Whyte breathes life into the Arthurian myths by weaving the reality of history into it. The first volume has left me eagarly awaiting the forthcoming sequels". -- Tony Hillerman"This isn't the usual Arthurian tale with a fantasy gloss; in graphic realism lies its fascination, and its power". -- Publishers Weekly on The Eagles' Brood

Book 5

The Fort at River's Bend

by Jack Whyte

Published 1 February 1999
Fearing for the life of his nephew Arthur when an assassination attempt goes awry, Merlyn Britannicus takes his young charge to embark on a journey that will take them to the ruins of a long-abandoned Roman fort -- far from Camulod and the only place where Merlyn feels they will be safe. It is there that Merlyn will enlist the help of a close-knit group of friends to help Arthur learn the skills of a warrior and the tough lessons of justice, honor, and the responsibilities of leadership. Arthur is just a boy, but the day is not far off when he will claim the sword that is his birthright: Excalibur.But how can Merlyn prepare young Arthur to be a ruler of men if he continues to train him in isolation? Does the advantage of taking him back to the world out-weigh the threat to his life from those who would stop at nothing to see him dead? The life of young Arthur Pendragon is at a crossroads for new forces are rising to threaten the tenuous peace the countryside.In the end Merlyn must decide to risk the dream -- and the life of his young charge -- if a united Britain is ever to be made real.

Book 6

Book 6


by Jack Whyte

Published 28 June 2016
Born of the chaos of the Dark Ages, the Dream of Eagles produced a king, a country and an everlasting legend—Camelot

In The Sorcerer: Metamorphosis , Merlyn returns to Camulod with his young charge, Arthur. But there is little time to enjoy their homecoming. Peter Ironhair’s ambitions are once again threatening peace in Britain, and soon Merlyn and Arthur must ride into battle to defend their land from both Ironhair and invaders from across the sea. While Arthur is a soldier, he is not yet a leader of men. Merlyn sends him to live for a time among his father’s people to gain the wisdom essential to rule them. Spurred on by a hunger for vengeance that will only be satisfied by the death of his enemies, Merlyn begins his metamorphosis into the Sorcerer, enlisting perhaps the only force that can bring down Ironhair and his allies once and for all.


Book 7


by Jack Whyte

Published 30 November 2000
Fans of Jack Whyte's richly praised Camulod Chronicles, an authentic retelling of the Arthurian legend as it actually may have happened, have enjoyed watching the story of Camelot evolve through the eyes of Merlyn - witnessing firsthand Merlyn's role in shaping the boy who would be king. But there has been a part of the story that readers have been denied. With UTHER, Jack Whyte provides a portrait of Merlyn's shadow - his boyhood companion and closet friend, the man who would sire the King of the Britons. From the trials of boyhood to the new cloak of adult responsibility, we see Uther with fresh eyes. He will travel the length of the land, have adventures, and, through fate and tragedy, fall in love with the one woman he must not have. UTHER is a compelling love story and, like the other books in the Camulod Chronicles, a version of the legend that is more realistic than anything readers have seen before.

Book 8

The Lance Thrower

by Jack Whyte

Published 21 October 2004
Jack Whyte has written a lyrical epic, retelling the myths behind the boy who would become the Man Who Would Be King--Arthur Pendragon. He has shown us, as Diana Gabaldon said, "the bone beneath the flesh of legend." In his last book in this series, we witnessed the young king pull the sword from the stone and begin his journey to greatness. Now we reach the tale itself-how the most shining court in history was made. Clothar is a young man of promise. He has been sent from the wreckage of Gaul to one of the few schools remaining, where logic and rhetoric are taught along with battle techniques that will allow him to survive in the cruel new world where the veneer of civilization is held together by barbarism. He is sent by his mentor on a journey to aid another young man: Arthur Pendragon. He is a man who wants to replace barbarism with law, and keep those who work only for destruction at bay. He is seen, as the last great hope for all that is good. Clothar is drawn to this man, and together they build a dream too perfect to last--and, with a special woman, they share a love that will nearly destroy them all... The name of Clothar may be unknown to modern readers, for tales change in the telling through centuries. But any reader will surely know this heroic young man as well as they know the man who became his king. Hundreds of years later, chronicles call Clothar, the Lance Thrower, by a much more common name. That of Lancelot.

Book 9

The Eagle

by Jack Whyte

Published 1 February 2007
Beginning with "The Skystone", Jack Whyte embarked on an ambitious and remarkable retelling of the Arthurian cycle. With "The Eagle" we come at last to the heart of the tale, the creation of fabled Camelot and the love story that enshrined its glory - and, some say, caused its downfall. Whyte takes us into the minds and lives of Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot, three astonishing but very human people bound by honour, loyalty, and love. Young Clothar has come to Arthur's court and the two men form a strong bond. Clothar's nickname of Spear-Thrower-Lancelot is just one mark of the love that Arthur bears for his friend. They share a vision of peace and law that might unite all the people of Britain, and with Arthur's beautiful queen at their side, they work with a will to make that vision a reality. But dark forces rise in opposition and it is hard to tell friend from foe in the swirling chaos that ensues. Many tales have been told of this dream that shined and died. This one will astonish even the most jaded.

v. 6

The Sorceror

by Jack Whyte

Published 1 June 1999
Jack Whyte's richly praised Camulod Chronicles, an authentic retelling of Arthurian legend as it really might have happened, has drawn raves from readers and critics alike. Throughout the series, Merlyn Britannicus has been driven by one sacred dream: to see Britain united under one just, powerful king. In Metamorphosis, it is time for the Sorcerer to fulfill his promise -- to present the battle-proven Arthur as the Riothamus, the High King of Britain. When Arthur miraculously withdraws the Sword of Kingship from the stone in which it is set, he proves himself the true and deserving King -- sworn to defend the Christian faith against invaders, and destined to change the face of history and legend forever.