The Beaux' Stratagem

by George Farquhar

Published 1 December 1964

In this new edition, "The Beaux' Stratagem" is seen as a traditional work, combining characteristics of the Restoration comedy of manners with those of the more conventionally moral comedy that followed. Mr. Fifer discusses the numerous alterations made in the text during the century, many of which eliminated racy dialogue or diminished the importance of the marriage-divorce theme. Farquhar's views on divorce were influenced by Milton; he is also concerned here with the conflict between virtue and vice, and with the importance of money and its influence on personal freedom. Based on a collation of eight copies of the first quarto, this edition includes extensive discussion of text and stage history.

Recruiting Officer

by George Farquhar

Published 30 October 1972
Captain Plume arrives in Shrewsbury to recruit new soldiers. He falls for Sylvia - against her father's wishes. Rather than be sent away, Sylvia disguises herself as a man and so learns more about Plume than he would really like.