The Messiah

by Douglas Connelly

Published 18 April 2015
This study guide explores some of the key passages in the Old Testament about the Messiah and their completion in the life and saving work of Jesus. These passages have had a profound effect on the imagination and worship of Christians for two thousand years. One of the greatest expressions of worship and adoration was written by George Handel. Although the focus is on the biblical passages about the coming Messiah, you will also have the option of exploring sections of Handel's adaptation of some of these passages in Messiah.


by Douglas Connelly

Published 1 November 2000
A permissive society, a power-hungry people, a nation without God - Daniel's situation in Babylon sounds something like our own. In the midst of secular forces, how can we remain true to biblical values? How can we have a positive impact on those around us? Daniel is a great role model - a man who rose to prominence without compromising his beliefs.

Most of us could use a miracle. Some physical condition, relationship problem, or financial crisis could be fixed rather quickly with just one miracle. When we open the pages of the Bible, our desire for a miracle intensifies as we read astonishing stories of God's power poured out. What do these events have to do with us? How can we experience the power of God in the struggles we face every day? This study guide will help you discover how God works in the world. This Lifebuilder Bible Study in the revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a 'Now or Later' section in each study.

Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds and playing harps, or walking streets of gold. While we know we want to go there, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. These eight studies provide us with a biblical perspective on heaven - something richer and more exciting than we could ever imagine.

Following Jesus

by Douglas Connelly

Published 1 October 2011
The Christian life begins with a step of faith. But that first step of faith is just the beginning; it leads to a walk of obedience and trust and holiness. This study guide - through sessions in the Gospels and the Epistles - explores what it means to follow Jesus. It's an exciting, challenging adventure!In this study Douglas Connelly looks at various metaphors for how we grow more spiritually mature in Christ, including running a race, carrying a cross, constructing a building, fighting a battle and more.


by Douglas Connelly

Published 7 March 2003
The bestselling Lifebuilders series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.

Though we are often hurt, shocked and angered by the evil in our world, it doesn't take God by surprise. He cares about our suffering; he's with us in the midst of tragedies and sin; he can even bring good out of the worst circumstances. God doesn't give us all the answers about why we suffer, but these eight studies will help us trust him and his power more - even in the painful times.

Eight small group studies on a key issue facing contemporary society

Part of the best-selling LifeBuilder study series

Includes helpful notes for leaders

Who is the Holy Spirit and how is he at work in the world? These studies, using passages from Paul's Letters, Acts and John's Gospel, help us explore both the person of the Spirit and his transforming, renewing, empowering work. The "Lifebuilder" series has helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. This revised edition features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a "now or later" section in each study.

John's Gospel

by Douglas Connelly

Published April 1992


by Douglas Connelly

Published 13 January 2006
Every day things happen to threaten our security, personally and nationally. How can we anchor ourselves to the unchanging and powerful God in a fast-changing world? "Lifebuilder: Elijah" contains eight small group Bible studies, focusing on what we can learn from Elijah about living in an increasingly threatening world. These studies demonstrate Elijah as a role model we need to learn from.

Jesus made some sweeping claims for himself - outrageous but true! This study guide examines the 'I am' statements, mainly from the "Gospel of John". But the sessions go far beyond a study of ancient words. They help us to consider how these claims can transform our lives today. What does it mean for Jesus to say he is the 'bread of life', that he is 'the light'? And what do these dramatic claims tell us about his character and power and how they might impact on us day to day?

The God who revealed himself to Moses and to Abraham is the same God we relate to today. We have come to know him as God the Father and as Jesus the Saviour and as the Spirit of holiness—but he is also the LORD Almighty and the God who provides.

As you study some of the key names of God, be prepared to have your heart and mind stirred as you explore God’s nature in greater depth — to have your life and worship changed by these encounters with the living God!

A scholar, a failure, a blind man and an adulterer, these are some of the people in this guide whose lives were changed forever, when they met Jesus. Looking at their lives gives us hope as we find ourselves living in the backwash of failure or dealing with an emptiness nothing in life seems to fill. The good news is that Jesus is waiting to meet us too. 8 studies for individuals or groups. Features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a "now or later" section in each study.


by Douglas Connelly

Published 17 May 2016
The truth is we all need to be forgiven. The Bible makes it painfully clear that every one of us has built up an enormous debt of sin to God. Christians rejoice in the forgiveness we receive from God, but when we hurt the people we love, how do we go about restoring the relationship? This study guide follows two themes - God's forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of others. As you understand more about God's gracious forgiveness of you, your own capacity to forgive will be expanded and strengthened.


by Douglas Connelly

Published November 1995
In the unseen realms of the universe, powerful and wonderful beings move at the speed of light to carry out their Master's will. They are involved in the complex political affairs of the nations and in the smallest concerns of children. They guard, protect, watch over - and engage in cosmic battles of which they are completely unaware. Yet angels are the subject of much misinformation. This fascinating study guide helps us discover the truth as revealed by the Bible.

The Lord's Prayer

by Douglas Connelly

Published 16 March 2004
'Our Father, who art in heaven...' No other words of the Bible are spoken more than the 65 words we call the Lord's Prayer. Countless times every day for the past two thousand years - in church worship, in personal devotion, in every language on every continent - the words come to life. Prayer takes time, energy, discipline, perseverence. How can these words of Jesus help us understand prayer? Perhaps more significantly, how can they give us more passion for prayer?

The Twelve Disciples

by Douglas Connelly

Published 16 May 2014
Jesus had about three years to mould a dozen fearful and faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement. As we study how Jesus made disciples we can expect to grow as disciples, and we can expect to hear a new call in our lives to follow Christ with a whole heart. Then we can expect to be sent out into the world to make disciples of all nations - including into our workplace and neighbourhood.