Hitched in a Minute!

by Tina Leonard

Published 24 January 2012

Navarro or Not

by Tina Leonard

Published 24 September 2004

That Man's Only Interests Were Boots, Babes And Beds!

A love-'em-and-leave-'em cowboy was not what Nina Cakes wanted when she asked for a muscular man to help move her heirloom bed. After all, it was a cowboy who had gotten her sister into trouble, and no handsome rancher-not even a notorious Jefferson brother named Navarro-would make Nina forget why she'd come to Lonely Hearts Station: to save her sister's good name.

Staid, ordinary, respectable, Nina was a librarian on a mission, and it would take more than sweet talk, teasing grins and world-shaking kisses to tempt her onto the wild side.... She'd settle for nothing less than lassoing his untamed heart!

Catching Calhoun

by Tina Leonard

Published 24 November 2004

"You Haven't Dated A Real Cowboy Till You've Been A Jefferson's Girl."

The only good things she'd ever gotten from a cowboy were her daughter and her son. And rodeo gypsy Olivia Spinlove had vowed she'd never again let an elusive, sexy cowboy corral her heart. This single mom had been born racing barrels and had no trouble outrunning love-until Calhoun Jefferson strolled into her arena. Unlike any cowboy she'd ever known, he had artistic vision, concern for her kids-and dark eyes that said, "Hey, pretty lady," even from a distance. He almost made her wild heart want to stop wandering. Because the promise in his kiss said that catching Calhoun might make it worth getting caught-for good.