The Fit open source testing framework brings unprecedented agility to the entire development process. Fit for Developing Software shows you how to use Fit to clarify business rules, express them with concrete examples, and organize the examples into test tables that drive testing throughout the software lifecycle. Using a realistic case study, Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham--the creator of Fit--introduce each of Fit's underlying concepts and techniques, and explain how you can put Fit to work incrementally, with the lowest possible risk. Highlights include

  • Integrating Fit into your development processes
  • Using Fit to promote effective communication between businesspeople, testers, and developers
  • Expressing business rules that define calculations, decisions, and business processes
  • Connecting Fit tables to the system with "fixtures" that check whether tests are actually satisfied
  • Constructing tests for code evolution, restructuring, and other changes to legacy systems
  • Managing the quality and evolution of tests
  • A companion Web site ( that offers additional resources and source code