The boundaries between inside and outside have become increasingly blurred over the last few years and garden objects accordingly have undergone many changes, while their numbers on the market have exploded. New materials and innovative forms abound and create an excited atmosphere in garden centres. But unfortunately, not everything has changed for the better and sometimes low quality materials and plain bad taste result in eyesores that spoil the landscape. A need exists for high quality, contemporary garden objects: furniture, lights, toys, accessories...Objects that catch the eye due to their design, functionality, originality or innovative material. This book will steer its reader past grinning gnomes and pumpkin coaches, to the new beautifully designed garden ornaments that will do the tiniest garden proud. This is a text in English and Dutch.

Made for Love

by Moniek E. Bucquoye and Amelie O

Published 1 May 2009
It is not an exaggeration to say that today we live in an age of unprecedented sexual freedom. Far from over, the sexual revolution seems on the contrary to have gained a new momentum. Globalised and digitalised, it is spreading its gospel like wildfire. The objects and their creators that feature in "Made for Love", reflect this new evolution and its corresponding styles and attitudes. Some names of designers as well as brands will be surprisingly familiar. Sensual pleasure objects, furniture, varying home accessories - they all have a naughty spirit in common, combined with quality, design, a certain flair, and sometime ingenious engineering. Avoiding the trashy in favour of the classy, "Made for Love" is a treat for anyone wanting to indulge in a sensual experience.