Book 2

The Supernatural

by Ivor Baddiel

Published 31 October 1998
By examining the mysteries, theories and scientific research, readers are encouraged to make up their own minds about paranormal phenomenon. This book intends to promote discussion on topics such as the spirit world and telepathy and is ordered into five sections to allow easy access for reluctant readers. It is one of a series that explores some of the world's most mysteries, looking at the clues, theories and possible explanations behind the "unexplained".

Book 3

Fantastic Creatures

by Ivor Baddiel and Tracey Blezard

Published 1 September 1999

Book 6


by Ivor Baddiel and Tracey Blezard

Published 31 October 1998
Examining the evidence through eyewitness accounts, current theories and scientific research, this book on the supernatural is one of a series that explores some of the world's most fascinating mysteries, looking at the clues, theories and the possible explanations behind the unexplained. Readers are asked to question: if ghosts exist or are they a product of our imagination; have some people really experienced past lives; why are clairvoyants sometimes asked to solve crimes; and is telepathy a sixth sense we all have?

Book 8

The Future

by Ivor Baddiel and Tracey Blezard

Published 1 September 1999


by Ivor Baddiel and T.A. Blezard

Published 1 January 1999
Older children will be fascinated by these color-illustrated examinations of mysterious events. Books guide young readers through mysteries in an accessible and sensible format. The events might be mysterious, but many could have natural explanations -- while still others might be elaborate hoaxes. Or perhaps unexplained and mysterious forces really are at the bottom of some mysteries! "What Science Says" information boxes and "What Do You Think?" question boxes let readers examine the evidence in each case, then draw their own conclusions.

Is the human race the only intelligent life form in the universe? Have aliens ever visited our planet? Do scientists believe in UFOs? These and other mysteries are examined.