Book 4

Was there ever in the whole of the Sundered Lands an island more extraordinary than Spyre? From the swampy, beast-infested jungles at the bottom to the snowy mountain monastery at the top, the place is full of wonders...and dreadful dangers. It is on the frozen peaks that Trundle, Esmeralda and Jack must search for the fourth lost crown of the Badger Lords of Old: the Crown of Ice. And as if this wasn't trouble enough, they also have to deal with their new companion - a wild and crazy hare by the name of Ishmael March!

Sargasso Skies

by Allan Frewin Jones

Published 3 November 2011

Many a windship has foundered on the deadly skyreef known as Sargasso Skies. Our three brave adventurers are on their way to Hammerland, home of the sinister steammoles, to find the fifth lost crown: the Crown of Wood. But now they're trapped, at the mercy of savage beasts and the eccentric Count Leopold. When the Count discovers how vital Trundle, Esmeralda and Jack will be in helping to build his amazing opera house, he'll never let them go!

Will their quest come to a dismal end amid the wreckage of the Sargasso Skies?

Fair Wind to Widdershins

by Allan Frewin Jones

Published 18 November 2010
Hidden deep within the crumbling island city of Widdershins lies the Crown of Iron. It's up to Trundle Boldoak, Jack Nimble and the Roamany Princess Esmeralda Lightfoot to find it. And there's nothing that can stop them! Well, except for Captain Grizzletusk and his pirate hordes, a deadly reef of rocks across their path, and armed guards patrolling the very place they need to search. Still, at least the adventurers have Esmeralda's Aunt Millie, the Roamany Queen, to help them. She'll get them out of trouble ...won't she? Visit for sneak peeks, games, competitions and lots more.

Trundle, Esmeralda and Jack are racing across the skies of the Sundered Lands, in search of the nest of the wondrous phoenix bird.

There they will surely find the Crown of Fire, third of the six lost crowns of the ancient Badger Lords. Well, that's the plan, but first they must survive a terrible battle in the skies over the city of Swallowhaven, with Captain Grizzletusk and his pirate fleet.

And if they do live to tell the tale - can they be sure in the end that the extraordinary phoenix will choose to help them?

Visit for sneak peeks, games, competitions and lots more.

Full Circle

by Allan Frewin Jones

Published 1 March 2012

Hedgehogs Trundle and Esmeralda are facing an impossible task. The last of the six lost crowns of the Badger Lords of Old is hidden on an island no one has ever heard of. Even if they do manage to find it, they must then set sail for a place that doesn't exist! With the crowns they have found behaving so very dangerously, Aunt Millie and the pirates breathing down their necks, and powerful magic working against them, is there any hope that they can fulfil their quest?

This is the final book in the SUNDERED LANDS series by celebrated author Allan Frewin Jones and REDWALL illustrator Gary Chalk.