Find a way to work that works for you.

The 9-to-5 office routine no longer exists. Many employees have the option to work anywhere, any time. But how do you find the flexible arrangement that's right for you? And how do you manage a team when they're all working in different places and on different schedules?

The HBR Guide to Managing Flexible Work is filled with practical tips and advice to help you and your team stay productive and connected, no matter when or where you work. You'll learn how to:

  • Set a flexible work schedule that meets your needs
  • Remain connected and visible
  • Get more done—in less time
  • Make the most of hybrid meetings
  • Keep your team engaged, both in person and virtually

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Tackle complex situations with critical thinking.

You're facing a problem at work. There are many ways you can approach the situation, but each comes with its own pros and cons. How do you sort through all the information so that you know you're taking the right path?

The answer is in how you think. The HBR Guide to Critical Thinking will help you navigate your most challenging issues, from difficult problems to tough decisions to complex scenarios. By carefully observing the situation, gathering information, inviting other perspectives, and analyzing what's in front of you, you can move forward with confidence while building this crucial leadership skill.

You'll learn how to:

  • Question your assumptions
  • Keep an open mind to opposing viewpoints
  • Sidestep cognitive biases
  • Use data—when appropriate
  • Grow comfortable with ambiguity
  • Find innovative and creative solutions

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

AI is ready for business. Are you ready for AI?

From financial modeling and product design to performance management and hiring decisions, AI and machine learning are becoming everyday tools for managers at businesses of all sizes. But AI systems come with benefits and downsides—and if you can't make sense of them, you're not going to make the right decisions.

Whether you need to get up to speed quickly or need a refresher, or you're working with an AI expert for the first time, the HBR Guide to AI Basics for Managers will give you the information and skills you need to succeed.

You'll learn how to:

  • Understand key AI terms and concepts
  • Recognize which of your projects would benefit from AI
  • Work more effectively with your data team
  • Hire the right AI vendors and consultants
  • Deal with ethical risks before they arise
  • Scale AI across your organization

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Anyone can think more creatively and unlock innovation.

Creativity is the key to innovation, but too many projects and teams are organized in ways that stifle new ideas. You need to ensure that creativity can thrive—and that you are part of the process.

Fortunately, anyone can use method-driven approaches to teach and learn creativity. The HBR Guide to Unlocking Creativity will show you how to reach your creative potential, manage creative collaboration, and achieve groundbreaking results.

This guide will help you:

  • Understand the neuroscience of creativity
  • Run better brainstorming sessions—in person or virtually
  • Use design thinking to generate new solutions
  • Model a mindset of curiosity and experimentation
  • Balance creativity with productivity
  • Bring breakthrough ideas to life

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Set yourself up for a successful transition.

Retirement is perhaps the greatest and most deeply personal career transition you'll ever make. Will you switch gears, slow down, or stop work entirely? Will you have the money, the good health, and the companionship you need to enjoy it?

The HBR Guide to Designing Your Retirement provides the practical tips, research, stories, and advice you need to take stock of your skills and interests and define retirement for yourself.

You'll learn how to:

  • Assess your readiness to make the transition
  • Craft a plan to slow your pace—or stop working altogether
  • Experiment with possible future selves
  • Find new ways to apply old skills
  • Communicate your plan to key partners
  • Bridge your old identity to your new one
  • Stay connected

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Put your strategy into action.

Even the best competitive strategies mean nothing if they aren't executed well. Yet many organizations struggle when they move from defining a strategy to actually applying it. Somehow, all the careful planning falls apart, initiatives fail, and leaders are left wondering how to pick up the pieces.

The HBR Guide to Executing Your Strategy is here to help. This book offers leaders and managers tips and advice for sharing the strategy with your employees, making the shift toward the right objectives, and seeing your strategy come to fruition.

You'll learn how to:

  • Understand the "why" behind your strategy
  • Identify the capabilities you have—and the ones you need
  • Communicate objectives and priorities effectively to your team
  • Prioritize strategic projects and let go of outdated ones
  • Encourage cross-silo collaboration toward organizational goals
  • Adjust course when necessary

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Land the job of your dreams.

You're ready to take the next step in your career. But securing the right role can take a lot of work—and a lot of time and energy. How do you move forward without getting overwhelmed by the process?

The HBR Guide to Your Job Search is here to help. Whether you’re new to the workforce or have a well-established career, this book contains practical advice for navigating your job hunt.

You'll learn how to:

  • Structure your search strategically
  • Translate your strengths into a strong personal story
  • Activate your network to find opportunities
  • Write a résumé that gets callbacks
  • Craft answers to common interview questions
  • Set yourself up for success in your new role

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Drive transformation.

Change is now constant. As a leader, you must serve as interpreter, project manager, cheerleader, and conduit. Plans evolve. Contexts shift. Progress happens in fits and starts. Through it all, you must push your team forward even when you encounter pushback. How can you ensure that your team has the information, the mindset, and the resources they need to be successful?

The HBR Guide to Leading Through Change provides the practical tips, research, stories, and advice you need to understand, communicate, and implement change effectively, no matter the size or scale of the challenge you’re facing. You'll learn to:

  • Improve your odds of success
  • Communicate a shared vision
  • Keep going, even amid lags and setbacks
  • Deal with naysayers and roadblocks
  • Build trust and resilience on your team
  • Make a lasting impact

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Lead teams that make a greater impact.

Creating more value for your organization means building and leading teams in ways that maximize the skills, perspectives, and talents of individuals. But achieving exceptional results consistently involves more than making good hires and investing in the best tools. You must establish a solid and shared understanding of your team's goals—and purpose. You must communicate frequently and effectively, proactively addressing issues before misunderstandings can spiral into destructive conflict. You must create an environment where trust and genuine relationships and creativity can flourish. Cultivating an environment where everyone's contributions are seen and valued will enable your people to more nimbly adapt to changes and challenges to help your business succeed.

The HBR Guide to High-Performing Teams provides the practical tips, research, stories, and advice you need to make the most of diverse perspectives and skills, anticipate and adapt obstacles, and translate strategy into actionable goals.

You'll learn how to:

  • Establish clear goals and roles
  • Balance skills and personalities
  • Anticipate roadblocks and opportunities
  • Communicate openly and effectively
  • Make meeting time productive—and efficient
  • Build trust and psychological safety
  • Surface and address issues
  • Achieve more—together

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Stop your top talent from walking out the door.

Employees today have a sea of options for where and how they work—if they're not getting what they want, they'll move on. And if the threat of having your high performers working for the competition isn't bad enough, departing employees can leave behind serious financial and emotional costs at your company.

The HBR Guide to Retaining Your Best People offers concrete advice and tactics to keep high performers engaged and loyal to your organization. You'll discover how to create the right environment and opportunities, shape professional development in ways your stars value, and build a workplace where they want to excel.

You'll learn how to:

  • Uncover the real reasons employees quit—and detect those at risk of leaving
  • Discover the elements of work that your people value most
  • Identify the top-notch, high-impact performers in your business
  • Create development opportunities based on personalized career paths
  • Assess your retention programs to see where they fall short
  • Keep your employees constantly learning and growing

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.