Poetry Parade S.
2 total works
Featuring poems from favorite poets such as Kit Wright, Jack Pretutsky, and Adrian Henri, as well as specially-written poems, this a collection of creepy poems selected by the best-selling anthologist John Foster. John Foster is the most renowned children's poetry anthologist in the UK, he lives in Oxford and...Read more
Featuring poems from favorite poets such as Kit Wright, Jack Pretutsky, and Adrian Henri, as well as specially-written poems, this a collection of creepy poems selected by the best-selling anthologist John Foster. John Foster is the most renowned children's poetry anthologist in the UK, he lives in Oxford and is well-known for his performances.
Featuring poems from favourite poets such as Allan Ahlberg, Jack Ousbey, and Paul Cookson, as well as specially-written new poems, this is a collection of school poems selected by the best-selling anthologist John Foster. John Foster lives in Oxford and is well-known for his poetry performances. He is the...Read more
Featuring poems from favourite poets such as Allan Ahlberg, Jack Ousbey, and Paul Cookson, as well as specially-written new poems, this is a collection of school poems selected by the best-selling anthologist John Foster. John Foster lives in Oxford and is well-known for his poetry performances. He is the most renowned children's poetry anthologist in the UK.